Editor’s Note: The reported translated below appeared on 2 February 2009. However, due to the enormous quantity of information posted on the site since then, it was not possible for it to be posted until…

Editor’s Note: The reported translated below appeared on 2 February 2009. However, due to the enormous quantity of information posted on the site since then, it was not possible for it to be posted until…
The agents of the Ministry of Intelligence raided once again the homes of ten Baha’is in Mashhad and arrested two Baha’is. Yesterday, January 26, the Iranian security forces raided Baha’is homes in Mashhad in a…
(HRA Iran) The Department of Intelligence visited the home of ten Bahais and subsequently arrested two of those visited. In an organized and systematic manner, the Iranian Security Forces, after attacking homes in Sari, Semnan,…