Source: BahaiNews1 Translation by Iran Press Watch According to an exclusive report in “BahaiNews”, the business of a Baha’i citizen named Payam Vali still remains closed after eight years. “BahaiNews” reports that despite numerous attempts…

Source: BahaiNews1 Translation by Iran Press Watch According to an exclusive report in “BahaiNews”, the business of a Baha’i citizen named Payam Vali still remains closed after eight years. “BahaiNews” reports that despite numerous attempts…
Nazar-Abad – Mrs. Zohreh Laghai, the owner of Misagh Optician, whose business was shut down in the month of Day, 1387 (Dec., 2008), along with four other optician’s shops owned by Baha’is in Nazar-Abad (near…