By Mehdi Khalaji Editor’s Note: Mehdi Khalaji is a visiting fellow at the Washington Institute and focuses on the role of politics in contemporary Shi’ite clericalism in Iran and Iraq. From 1986 to 2000 he…
Tagged By persia

Memories: 30 Years of Islamic Republic
We recently invited our readers to share a short note describing a significant aspect of their memories of the years during and after the revolution. We are sharing selected stories here and will continue publishing…

Update on two Baha’i Prisoners in Mashhad
Iran Press News reported the following on Saturday, March 28, 2009: Two Baha’i citizens by names of Jalayer Vahdat and Sima Eshraqi were arrested on January 26, 2009, in Mashhad and as of this writing…
Why the Ideals of the Iranian Revolution were Condemned to Failure
by Dr. Nader Saiedi Recently Gooya News published an article by Naser Mostashar. The article quotes three lines of the letter written by the International Baha’i Community that was addressed to the Iranian attorney general,…

Open Letter on Behalf of Shirin Ebadi, Now in Danger in Tehran
Editor’s Note: Peace activists have called on the Iranian government to ensure the safety of Shirin Ebadi, the epicenter of human rights activism in Iran, and the lawyer for the seven Baha’i leaders soon to…
Baha’is of Tehran to Iran’s Attorney General
Editor’s Note: As various ad hoc Baha’i coordinating bodies in Iran end their activities in conformity with the wishes of the Yaran [“Friends”] as confirmed by the Universal House of Justice, some are writing to…
Suffocating the Baha'is
By Sean Gannon As Baha’is around the world celebrated their new year last weekend, thoughts and prayers turned to Iran where the community has been shaken by the arrest and impending trial on trumped-up charges…

I really do not understand!
by Hassan Yousefi Eshakavari Editor’s Note: Hassan Yousefi Eshakavari is a trained cleric, but because of his progressive and non-orthodox views was divested of his robe of office (khal-i libas). He was also jailed by…

Open Letter from the Baha'is of Spain to their fellow citizens
Editor’s note: On 20th March 2009, the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Spain, on behalf of the Bahá’í community of its country, addressed an open letter to its fellow Spanish citizens. The letter…

Khatami asked about treatment of Iranian Baha'is on Australia visit
Editor’s Note: Former Iranian President Mohammad Khatami recently spoke at the Australian National University in Canberra. As he turned to the audience for questions, he was asked about Iran’s treatment of the Baha’is. The Sydney…

Expelled Baha’i Student at Sahand University
Editor’s Note: Sama Noorani is an expelled Baha’i student from Sahand University in Tabriz and has contributed this piece about experience, which appears below in translation. For some background on this incident, please see:…
Anti-Bahaism in Iran
by Wahied Wahdat-Hagh In Iran, state-sponsored hate propaganda and conspiracy theories against the Bahai are never-ending. Now, “crypto-Jews” – also called “Anusim” – are said to have been responsible for the spread of the Babi…

Crimes Against Humanity
The U.S.-based Iran Human Rights Documentation Center has published a November 2008 report on the Islamic Republic’s attacks on the Baha’i Community. It amplifies the injustices brought upon the Baha’is by Iran’s fanatical clergy and…

Australian MP speaks in support of Yaran
Editor’s Note: In the ongoing struggle for civil and human rights of the Baha’is in Iran, Australian Member of Parliament Andrew Robb delivered a speech calling on the Australian government to urge the release of…

“Debunking the Myths” – Interview with the Author
(MEY) Conspiracy theories are popular in this region [Middle East] for a good reason: they allow us to perceive ourselves as powerless victims and blame our shortcomings and insecurities on others. For decades, Baha’is have…

Human Rights Violations during the Emergence of the IRI
Editor’s Note: The Amnesty International report published in February 1980 is an important document covering the situation of human rights during the emergence of the Islamic Republic of Iran. This was the only time since…