Source: Translation by Iran Press Watch A Report on the Latest Situation of Vahed Kholousi, Farhad Meysami and Farhad Fahandej in Rajai Shahr Prison in Karaj HRANA– Vahed Kholousi, Farhad Fahandej and Farhad Meysami, three…

Source: Translation by Iran Press Watch A Report on the Latest Situation of Vahed Kholousi, Farhad Meysami and Farhad Fahandej in Rajai Shahr Prison in Karaj HRANA– Vahed Kholousi, Farhad Fahandej and Farhad Meysami, three…
Source: Translation by Iran Press Watch HRANA – Bahá’ís in Iran are being deprived of basic human and civil rights due to their religious beliefs. Discrimination, othering, vengeance, prejudgment, hate-mongering, harassment and murder, as well…
Source: HRANA News Agency – Navid Khanjani, Ighan Shahidi, and Vahed Kholousi, three Baha’is and defenders of the right to education, who had been arrested between 2009 and 2010, by the security forces, are still…
Source: September 29, 2015 Translation by Iran Press Watch HRANA News Agency – Today at noon, Vahed Kholoosi, a civil rights activist and an expelled Baha’i student, was transferred to Hall 12 of Section…
Source: BahaiNews1 Translation by Sen’s daily Vahed Kholousi, a Bahai student who has been excluded from tertiary education, was arrested in front of his home in Tehran a few days ago. According to current reports, he…