Baha’i Citizen Kosro Dehghani Released from Prison

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Translation by Iran Press Watch


According to Campaign to Stop the Harassment and Imprisonment of Baha’i Citizens, Khosro Dehghani, a Baha’i citizen, has been released upon completion of his prison term.

Khosro Dehghani was arrested on August 1st 2011, along with 16 others, after Ministry of Intelligence officers raided their residences in Yazd, Isfahan, Kerman, and Arak.  Three individuals were arrested two weeks later, which brought the list of arrestees to 20.

All arrestees were subsequently released from custody about a month later after a payment of bail of a total of approx $400,000.

Nearly one year later, the cases of these individuals were reviewed at Branch One of the Revolutionary Court of Yazd, which sentenced these 20 Baha’i defendants to a total of 58 years in prison, 38 years of which are under discretionary law.  Khosro Dehghani was sentenced to three years imprisonment under discretionary law, and a one year suspended sentence.


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