Baha’i Citizen Deprived of Education at an Institute of Higher Education

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source: BahaiNews1

Translation by Iran Press Watch

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As reported by “BahaiNews”, Faraz Karin Kani Seysan, a student of Civil Engineering, has been prevented from being able to continue his education because of his belief in the Baha’i Faith.

Based on a report by Baha’i News, this Baha’i citizen, who had entered Alborz Institute of Higher Education as an undergraduate student, was prevented from continuing his education by sending him a letter.

In the dismissal letter written to this Baha’i citizen, Dr. Asadollah Asarayi stated: “You have been deprived of your right to continue your education by the Security Office of this Institute as of 21 April 2016. Please go to the Academics Office as soon as possible to settle your account.”

Based on information obtained by “BahaiNews”, recently a number of Baha’is who had been allowed to enter universities were dismissed after having been identified.

The first International Declaration of Human Rights, dated 10 December 1948, provides for equal rights to education for all human beings, regardless of race, belief, religion or gender.

In previous years, declaring an “incomplete file” for Baha’i applicants has been used to prevent them from higher education. It appears that the trend will continue this year as well.

Deprivation of a university education for Baha’is has taken place based on a memorandum from the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution dated 25 February, 1991 2, which prevents Baha’is from continuing with a university education, in addition to preventing employment in government agencies.

According to Article 3 of Part B of this resolution, not only should Baha’is be prevented from registration at universities, but also, if an individual’s identity becomes known after registration and “during their studies”, that individual should be disenrolled.

Deprivation of Baha’i citizens has been implemented systematically since the Islamic Revolution and the declaration of the Cultural Revolution.


1. “BahaiNews” is an independent non-Bahá’í initiative and is not affiliated with any Baha’i institutions.

2. See


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