Seizure of Assets of 10 Baha’i-Owned Businesses in Karaj

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Source: BahaiNews1

Translation by Iran Press Watch

According to a BahaiNews report, government officials visited the sealed business premises of ten Baha’is, and confiscated all appliances and goods last week.

BahaiNews stated, based on an informed source: “After officers seized all the property from these Baha’i-owned shops in Karaj and Fardees, they once more sealed the businesses.”

According to this report, the majority of the sealed businesses of these Baha’is are eyeglass sales and repair shops.

Last year, more than 200 Baha’i-owned businesses were sealed specifically because they closing their stores in observance of Baha’i religious holidays.

Over the last few years, the Office of Public Places has repeatedly sealed many Baha’i-owned businesses in different cities.

BahaiNews has suggested that the reason behind the closure of these Baha’i-owned businesses is the opposition of the security forces to Baha’is closing their shops in observance of the 9 Baha’i holy days; in Iran we always see that Baha’i-owned businesses are shut down and Baha’is detained after Baha’i holy days. According to trade regulations, businesses with active business licenses may close their shops for 15 days, and if they wish to close more days than that they must notify the Office of Public Places.


  1. BahaiNews is an independent non-Baha’i initiative, and is not affiliated with any Baha’i institutions.

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