Public endorsement of a petition to free Navid Khanjani and other youth who demand the right to higher education.
In Iran, there is a policy of a systematic ban from higher education directed towards a number of minority groups, including the Baha’i community of Iran. As a result, there are young students who are actively pursuing their rights to higher education in Iran. In the past few weeks a number of these young students have been arrested, including a few members of the Baha’i community: Navid Khanjani, Iqan Shahidi and Sama Nurani. In the past few days, members of the public have signed a petition that demands their immediate and unconditional release from prison. You can see the text of the petition in Persian and the names of those who have endorsed it at the CHRR website,
Iran Press Watch
May 3, 2010 3:54 pm
احترام به عقايد ديگران به انسان ارزش والاي ميدهد