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Iran's Enduring Legacy of Violence and Denial


[, 1 Oct 2013] Payam Akhavan,  Associate Professor, McGill University Elementary psychology teaches us that without confronting repressed memories of past trauma, a person’s future health and happiness is seriously compromised. It is common knowledge,…

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The Crime of Teaching

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[, 12 Oct. 2012] Education prohibited in the “Holy Land” — Please see the correction from below. Editor — correction: by Khosro Shemiranie10-Oct-2012 This article was originally written in Farsi by Khosro Shemiranie of…

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The Plight of Iran's Baha'is

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[ 1 June 2012] by KAMIAR ALAEI * * Arash and Kamiar Alaei, physicians specializing in the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS, were found guilty in 2009 of “cooperating with an enemy government” and sentenced…

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A letter from Sama Nourani


[] Sama Nourani, 21 years old, was expelled from the National University of Tabriz, Iran, because he was a member of the Baha’i Faith. He merely questioned the university administrators regarding his expulsion. He was then…

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