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Amnesty's Current Concerns in Iran

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Editor’s Note:  The following important statement was published by the prestigious Amnesty International on 5 February 2009.  Since it directly bears on the purpose of this site, it is shared for our readers’ information. Iran: Human…

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IHRDC Press Release Condemns Persecution

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PRESS RELEASE IHRDC CONDEMNS CONTINUED PERSECUTION OF IRANIAN BAHA’IS February 2, 2009 NEW HAVEN – The Iran Human Rights Documentation Center (IHRDC) condemns the Islamic Republic of Iran’s escalated campaign against the national­ community, which…

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Open Letter featured on CNN


TEHRAN, Iran (CNN) — A group of Iranian intellectuals released a public apology this week for what they say is a long history of the country’s mistreatment of a religious group called the Baha’i. The…

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India's Open Letter Regarding the Yaran

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Editor’s Note:  Although this letter was published in June 2008, Iran Press Watch thought it was another significant indication of international outcry against injustice perpetrated against the Baha’i community of Iran.  This open letter was…

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I answer, therefore I am!


At a time when various governmental resolutions are regularly being issued condemning the human rights violations of its Islamic government, Iran continues its record of misdeeds in spite of what the rest of the world…

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Regime Disregards People's Rights

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Fall Report by the Center for Defenders of Human Rights – 2009.01.14 Arash Motamed Editor’s Note:  The following article appeared at Rooz online and is reposted here due to its importance for our readers’ information.…

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My Father Is Imprisoned!

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Editor’s Note: The following is a translation of an interview conducted by Ardavan Roozbeh, a reporter for Radio Zamaaneh, with Faris Ataian, whose father, Masoud Ataian, is one of the Baha’is illegally abducted and imprisoned…

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