To Our brothers and Sisters in Iran
Dearest Friends,
You have been constantly present in our minds, our consultations and our prayers as we were gathered at our National Convention last May 1 & 2. Our spirits were both uplifted by our Ridvan celebrations and saddened by the dawn of the anniversary of the imprisonment of the seven Yarans [former Baha’i leaders in Iran].
We observe with admiration and gratitude the exalted example of our brothers and sisters in the cradle of the Faith. Your commitment to the spiritual rebirth of your fellow-citizens and of all mankind, your courage, your steadfastness and your determination in the face of tribulations are a constant source of inspiration for us.
Your sacrifices, which bring Divine confirmations to the community of the Most Great Name as a whole, enable the Cause to gain historic victories.
This year, in France, the authorities have been active at the highest level on your behalf, thanks to the initiative of our Minister for Foreign Affairs, Monsieur Kouchner, who personally wrote a long letter addressed to the French [Baha’i] community re-affirming France’s total commitment to your defense.
Furthermore, we are particularly happy to inform you that, by the end of this year, 2009, the French Baha’i community will have fulfilled its commitment to the Universal House of Justice by launching nine intensive programs of growth and is getting ready to face the challenge of exceeding this goal by the end of the Plan.
Conscious that we are blessed by being able to serve the Blessed Beauty in complete freedom we are privileged to work alongside you, and in your name, in order to achieve the goal fixed for us by the Universal House of Justice in its Ridvan message « to liberate humankind from the yoke of the most grievous oppression. »
Rest assured, dearest friends, of the total commitment of the French community to play its part humbly, alongside yourselves, in the progress of the Divine Plan and that you are constantly present in our thoughts and prayers.
The French National Convention.
May 8, 2009 12:31 am
De tout coeur avec vous!
Our hearts are with you!