Amidst the unrest over Iran’s presidential election, another life and death drama unfolded in Tehran. This involved a pending espionage trial for imprisoned leaders of Iran’s largest religious minority. (
Reporter Gigi Graciette interviews Iraj Kamalabadi, brother of one of the seven imprisoned Baha’i ‘leaders’ facing charges, and Hengameh Rouhi, sister of Haleh Rouhi who was arrested in May 2006 along with 53 other Baha’i youth.
June 30, 2009 3:32 pm
This structure of the present rulers of Iran is satanic: it makes opposition nearly impossible. The only way to get out of the hands of this group of religious fanatics is by weapons, and a general revolt of the population.
Poor Iranian people, who in their lifetime have maybe not a chance to be free.
June 30, 2009 9:39 pm
An excellentreport. Good work, Friends of LA! Good work, Fox News! I hope this gathering 400 in of Los Angeles and the coverage on Fox News will persuade someone in Iran to see the light of reason and release the innocent Baha’i prisoners. Meanwhile, I will use the only “weapon” Baha’is are allowed, love of God and hopeful prayer.
July 1, 2009 12:08 am
Bahai persecution, which is religious based not political, has happened for decades and it is heartwarming to know finally the rest of the world is becoming aware. Bahais are law-abiding and non-partisan peace loving people and it is through the continuing sacrifices of these beautiful souls that the word of truth will prevail. My heartfelt prayers are with them and all persecuted friends. Thanks for the great report.
July 1, 2009 1:10 am
I am addressing this to P.W.T. and any readers who read his/her post not out of anger but out of concern: Bahais do not endorse, nor does any institution of the Faith endorse, any type of armed resistance and/or revolution.
Even though, I cannot and do not speak for the Faith, this is a widely held principle.
In fact, although this only affects Bahais and this Web site is not solely for Bahais, I feel it prudent to include a sentence from a recent statement from the Universal House of Justice: “The victim of oppression can transcend it through an inner strength that shields the soul from bitterness and hatred and which sustains consistent, principled action.”
Consistent, principled action does not include violent resistance, any type of revolution or arming oneself. The validity of my points can be ascertained by going the Bahai International Community’s Web site.
Iran is a vast, vibrant, ancient, beautiful and diverse culture. May we all pray for its peace.
July 1, 2009 7:22 am
An excellent and grate report,
We all pray and trying for freedom Bahai’ people and another prisoners in Iran and for peace in all of the world.
with love and hopeful
July 1, 2009 12:59 pm
Baha’is as the largest religious minority? Well, the Supreme Council can do something about that, simply by killing as many as possible. If it is possible in Germany, Eastern Europe, France, and Denmark, it is certainly feasible in Iran. What will change the situation? Money. Large infusions of it in the pockets of the Supreme Council and key government leaders. It kept the ‘Ulama at bay during the Shah’s “White Revolution” until HM refused to continue payment to the most influential of the mullahs. There is a lack of understanding that, in a repressive regime, “enemies” on the home front serve the purpose of focusing the mind of the populace away from the defects of the regime, and toward a poorly understood and persecuted minority. Media attention can be employed to affect change in regimes, and to free the innocent. Right now we see the world’s attention shift away from serious issues toward entertainment figures. Now is the time for diplomatic overtures.
July 1, 2009 9:42 pm
Sono un credente nella Fede Bahà’ì della Sicilia. Il mio pensiero va ai credenti nella Fede Bahà’ì nella loro terra. In una terra che ha respirato la sofferenza di innumerevoli aderenti a questa giovane Fede che nient’altro ha voluto se non il bene del mondo dell’umanità. Il Suo messaggio è un messaggio di amore che ha sempre voluto la unione di tutti i popoli, la unione delle razze in una sola razza: la razza umana. Essa con il Suo messaggio ha riportato le religioni a Dio in un tempo la cui decadenza le ha separate dall’uomo e da Dio.Essa ha ridato speranza e sollievo all’umanità. Tutto il mondo deve ricercare su questa Fede grandiosa i cui principi costituiscono l’unica speranza di ricomposizione di un organismo sociale e umano diviso nel corpo e nello spirito. Il Suo messaggio riprende il valore delle Religioni e ne fa respirare la fragranza dell’unicità dei Suoi Messaggeri nel tempo, ricollegandoli nella loro essenza spirituale e riconducendoli a Dio.Perchè a Dio appartengono!
July 1, 2009 9:56 pm
Tutti i governi del mondo e tutte le Istituzioni religiose devono intervenire perchè abbiano fine queste palesi ingiustizie.Così una Regina rese testmonianza ai diritti e alla posizione di una tal Fede: ” E’ come un universale abbraccio che unisce tutti coloro che erano alla ricerca di parole di speranza. Essa riconosce tutti i grandi Profeti del passato, non distrugge nessun credo e lascia aperta ogni porta……L’insegnamento Bahà’ì reca pace all’anima e speranza al cuore. Per coloro che hanno bisogno di certezze, leparole del Padre sono come una fontana dopo lungo vagare nel deserto……I loro scritti, sono un grande appello alla pace che travalica ogni frontiera e s’innalza al di sopra di tutte le discordie originate da riti e dogmi……E’ un mirabile messaggio quello datoci da Bahà’ù’llàh e Abdù’l’Bahà; essi non l’hanno levato in modo aggressivo, ben sapendo che il seme d’eterna verità celato nel suo indimo non potrà che radicarsi e diffondersi…
July 1, 2009 9:58 pm
Semmai i Nomi di Bahà’ù’llàh o Abdù’l’Bahà venissero alla vostra attenzione non respingete i loro scritti. Esaminatene i libri, e lasciate che scendano nel vostro cuore, come sono scese nel mio, le loro gloriose parole e lezioni che arrecano pace e ricreano l’amore.”
July 11, 2009 4:20 am
The video I mentioned in my last comment above was removed by the user for maintenance purposes and was then re-uploaded by the same user at this link:
The video can also be seen on the “LABahaiCenter” channel on YouTube: