Two waves of arrests near Tehran happened within days of each other, and while most of those detained – all converts from Islam – were held just a day for questioning, a total of eight Christians still remain in prison.
On July 31 police raided a special Christian meeting 25 kilometers (15 miles) north of Tehran in the village of Amameh in the area of Fashan. A Compass source said about 24 Christians, all converts from Islam, had gathered in a private home. In the afternoon police squads in both plain clothes and uniform raided and arrested everyone present.
Read full Story at Compass Direct News
August 12, 2009 8:09 pm
Iran is not the only nation where Baha’is and Christians are denied the freedom to practice their faith. In Yemen they have also been oppressed by the government. Has anyone more recent information about Yemen situation? Did the Baha’is in Yemen forced to returned to Iran? What about the Christians being held in Yemen?
October 27, 2008
Washington, Oct. 27, 2008 (IranVNC)- The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom is concerned about the Bahais in Yemen. Four jailed Bahais were recently released, but the Yemeni government wants them out of the country within two months or they face deportation. Three of these Bahais could be deported to their country of origin, Iran, where Bahais are declared heretics and could be killed without impunity.