Worldwide Baha’i Community prays for the Yaran.
(IPW) 14-May-2010. The worldwide Baha’i community holds prayers for the Yaran as they enter third year in prison in Tehran.

On 14 May, the Iranian Baha’i leaders enter their third year of imprisonment without having been convicted of any crime. The Universal House of Justice, the international governing body of the Baha’i Faith, called for these special meetings of prayers for Yaran throughout the world:
“It grieves our hearts to contemplate the passing of yet another year in which the seven former members of the Yaran remain imprisoned on baseless charges for which the authorities have no evidence whatsoever. The approach of the second anniversary of their incarceration calls to mind the multifarious forms of oppression being visited upon the members of the Baha’i community in Iran of all ages and walks of life, including interrogations, summary arrests and imprisonment, deprivation of the means to a livelihood, wanton destruction of property, and the denial of education to Baha’i students. The heroic steadfastness of the friends in Iran in the face of such relentless persecution inspires their fellow believers around the globe to redouble their efforts to serve humanity and contribute to its material and spiritual progress. It has also led to the gradual, but undeniable, awakening of the conscience of fair- minded Iranians, who have been moved to express their concern at the violation of the human rights of their Baha’i compatriots.
“We call upon the Baha’is of the world to organize special meetings of prayer around 14 May for the indomitable followers of Baha’u’llah in Iran, indeed, for all the people in that blessed land who are similarly subject to oppression, that the Hand of Divine Providence may grant them relief from their long ordeal. To this end we too offer our fervent supplications at the Sacred Threshold.”
The Editor
Iran Press Watch
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