(HARANA – Tuesday 18th Aban, 1389 [9 Nov 2010] at 5:43 PM) Sahar Sabetian, a Baha’i student, has been expelled from school because she is a Baha’i.
Based on information from HARANA reporters, a Baha’i student named Sahar Sabetian, who was enrolled at Alzahra High School in Sari, has been dismissed from school since the 9th of Aban [31 Oct], and has been deprived of her right to an education. It should be noted that the reason for her dismissal was that she responded to the religious teacher’s calumnies against her religious beliefs.
In a letter addressed to the Head of Education for Mazandaran Province, the father of this student has objected to the expulsion, and has called the loss of her right to education contrary to civil rights.
In his letter he writes: “On Saturday the 8th of Aban 1389 [30 Oct 2010] during the Religion and Life hour the teacher insulted my daughter’s religious beliefs. My daughter, with the teacher’s permission and very respectfully, responded to the teacher’s questions and did not do anything contrary to school rules. The next day, on Sunday, she was called from statistics class to the school office; we were told in a telephone call: “Come and get your daughter and her file. She has been expelled from school.”

Translation by Iran Press Watch
source: http://www.iranpresswatch.org/fa/post/1598, http://www.hra-news.org/1389-01-27-05-24-07/5037-1.html
November 27, 2010 10:48 am
This incident again serves to distinguish the sincerity and honor of those hundreds of thousands of Baha’is, young and old, in the birthland of their religion from the hypocrisy of political functionaries whose actions against them find no sanction in the sweetness and soundness of Islam.