[BWNS, 19 Dec. 2011] UNITED NATIONS — Reflecting the international community’s increasing intolerance for human rights violations, the UN General Assembly today condemned Iran for oppressing its citizens.
By a vote of 89 to 30 with 64 abstentions, the Assembly approved a resolution that expressed “deep concern at serious ongoing and recurring human rights violations” in the country.
The vote came after Iran attempted a “no-action motion,” aimed at blocking the resolution by calling for adjournment of the debate. The motion failed by a vote of 100 against, 35 in favor, with 42 abstentions.
Such resolutions on human rights in Iran have come before the Assembly virtually every year since 1992, and this year’s measure – already approved by the General Assembly’s Third Committee last month – passed by the widest margin yet seen.
“The Assembly’s vote this year makes absolutely clear the international community’s utter frustration with Iran’s continuing oppression of its citizens,” said Bani Dugal, principal representative of the Baha’i International Community to the United Nations.
“The wide margin of this year’s vote also reflects the international community’s impatience with the violation of human rights everywhere, and an increased willingness of a growing number of nations to speak out on behalf of human rights,” she said.
Another factor in the large margin was the sense of frustration many nations felt over Iran’s repeated refusal to cooperate with the UN in receiving special human rights investigators, said Ms. Dugal.
She noted that Iran has not yet allowed a visit to the country from Ahmed Shaheed, the newly appointed UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran.
“Since the appointment of Ahmed Shaheed, Iran has not welcomed him to the country and, in fact, has even questioned the legitimacy of his appointment,” said Ms. Dugal.
This year’s resolution expressed concern over a wide range of abuses in Iran, including “a dramatic increase” in executions, the use of torture, the systematic targeting of human rights defenders, pervasive violence against women, and continuing discrimination against minorities, including members of the Baha’i Faith.
Co-sponsored by 42 countries, the resolution specifically lists some 16 areas of concern, also including the “systematic and serious restrictions on freedom of peaceful assembly” and “severe limitations and restrictions on the right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief.”
About Baha’is, the resolution noted “escalating attacks on Baha’is and their defenders.” It reported “a significant increase in the number of Baha’is arrested and detained” and “renewed measures to deny Baha’is employment in the public and private sectors.”
Baha’i World News Service coverage of the persecution of the Baha’is in Iran
The Baha’i World News Service has published a Special Section which includes further articles and background information about Iran’s campaign to deny higher education to Baha’is. It contains news of latest developments, a summary of the situation, profiles of imprisoned Baha’i educators, feature articles, case studies and testimonials from students, resources and links.
Another Special Report offers articles and background information about the seven Iranian Baha’i leaders – their lives, their imprisonment, trial and sentencing – and the allegations made against them. It also offers further resources about the persecution of Iran’s Baha’i community.
The International Reaction page of the Baha’i World News service is regularly updated with responses from governments, nongovernmental organizations, and prominent individuals, to actions taken against the Baha’is of Iran.
The Media Reports page presents a digest of media coverage from around the world.
Source: http://news.bahai.org/story/876
December 20, 2011 8:21 am
This is another evidence that in relation to human rights abuse in Iran, ever- increasing number of sincere and dignified human beings, organisations and countries around the world are raising their voice in support of persecuted Baha’is in that country. It is also heartening to see a large number of noble Iranian people, in particular young and educated people, started to investigate realities behind the inhuman persecution of peace loving Baha’is in Iran by a group of hard liners.
It is also important to note, though the Baha’is In Iran are under sever persecution and face human rights abuse in all their daily lives – education , job , private business, personal/ private religious practice, etc.. they have not over crossed the boundaries of a human dignity in their expression and in their behaviour against all the hardship and human rights abuse inflicted upon them. This is a sign of human maturity and practice of what the Baha’i teaching are about. The only thing they do: to raise their voice, in relation to what is happening to them in Iran and what the reality of the Baha’i Faith is, to work along with the other peace loving people around the world for finding a suitable solution to the problems all of us facing in today’s society.
December 27, 2011 11:18 am
REAL (vast majority) Baha’is are “super-sweet” people. EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW THAT!
THE problem is with a criminal Zionist element that hides amidst the Baha’is (and many other groups). Persecution of law-abiding Baha’is should have no place in Europe, USA or Iran.
December 28, 2011 1:49 am
The Baha’is comprizes over five milions living in almost all countries and teretories of the world. They have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt their dedication to humanity and to, “carry forward an ever advancing civilization.” They are dedicated to: Adoration of One God and the Reconciliation of all Major Religions; Appreciation of the Diversity and Nobility of the Human Family and the Elinination of All Prejudices; Establishment of World Peace, Equality of Women and Men, and Universal Education; Cooperation between Science and Religion in the Individual’s Search for Truth; Spreading Hope, Joy, and a Positive Vision of Humanity’s Future.
January 2, 2012 3:08 pm
I heard that the dean of Landegg academy (now closed) was convicted for sex crime. 1. Is this true? 2. Is this why landegg was closed? Thanks!
January 3, 2012 8:08 am
I heard that what Ali said about Landegg: 1, is wrong, 2. thats not why it was closed. Thanks.
January 3, 2012 5:38 pm
I know Baha’is who are also persecuted in western European countries and the U.S.
Why the Baha’is never raise the issue is a proof that the Zionists control the Baha’is. Zionist-Jews are in control in Europe and USA: “never bite the hand that feeds you”
January 3, 2012 7:19 pm
To: “Mirza Ali” and “Investigator Ali”.
Please take the time to read the notes written above by Zia Hashemi , and Nasser about the Baha’is and their principals.
Open your eyes, and make educated comments rather than using age age old rumors, lies, and conspiracy theories used over and over again by every Tom, Dick, Harry, and yourselves. Your comments are soooo outdated.
Please do not waste the time of others on this site with your unproven theories/rumors/ comments. See with your own eyes and hear with your own ears. Do an independent investigation before making accusations.
RESPECT and HUMILITY are very important .
January 3, 2012 9:02 pm
“Vafa” please do speak rumors and non-sense on this site and please stop distorting what others have said. I don’t think your are “humble” or your seek the “truth”.
January 3, 2012 9:12 pm
I did some independent investigation I and found this about the question of Ali:
“The Ottawa Citizen
April 27, 1994, Wednesday, FINAL EDITION
Psychiatrist cuts deal on sex assault charges
The Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons has withdrawn charges of sexual impropriety against a psychiatrist who is the past secretary general of the Baha’i faith in Canada. Dr. Hossain Banadaki Danesh, 56, was a former associate professor of psychiatry and family medicine at the University of Ottawa before joining the Baha’is of Canada, where he was secretary general from 1985 to 1989. Conditions for dropping the charges include Danesh’s immediate resignation and an agreement not to practice again. ”
It appears some secret editors are trying to hide facts reported by the media.
January 4, 2012 6:35 am
Hello , hello, my name is Mother of all Investigators, between you and me it is a fake name like: Investigator Ali; Richard, France ( who is also a Fake Fabricator! ); Mirza Ali; Investigator Muhammad; Cynthia; Jim; Sam ; Partick Jambon; and etc…They try to hide behind their fake names as they have no ability and human dignity to enter any intellectual and useful discussion on important humanitarian issues on this Weblog. It is notable from their comments that they see everything Negative, they comment Negative on everything, they live in Negative, they connect everything to Negative, and finally the Negativity and jealousy will take its toll on them and they will die in misery as a production of self-infected mindset they are in!
People like, fake named Richard, underestimate the intelligence of fair-minded visitors on this Weblog, and fabricated, NOT so cleverly, a so called the Ottawa Citizen, news paper article in relation to a sex assault charges in 1994 with the highlight that it was the FINAL EDITION of the news paper!! What a joke! The fabricated article is so obvious that any reader with a minor IT knowledge would pick up the shameless fabrication and its unrelated and pointless links which are not related to the Baha’i Faith in any way. What a waste of time to spend on a subject that it is outcome of a Negativity and fabrication.
The outrageous BAD smell of this handful infected- mind and fake named can be felt everywhere, any fair minded reader will agree with me and will ask the same question: what are they going to achieve with all pointless assault on other people? But, one thing is for sure that Baha’is around the world tirelessly working along side with other peace loving individuals and organisations to find a solution to the problems facing the humanity, anyone with good will , surely will find out just by visiting and working with Baha’is, even within your neighbourhood.