Posts By editor

A Prayer for the Baha'is of Iran


In March 1927, a devoted Baha’i known as the Aminu’l-‘Ulama Ardabili was martyred in Iran. When this news reached Shoghi Effendi, he expressed his sorrow through the composition of the following prayer.  Recently, the Baha’is…

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What has befallen me?!


Editor’s Note:  Fariba Kamalabadi (Taefi) is one of the seven former Baha’i leaders, previously known as the Yaran [“Friends” in Iran].  She has been imprisoned for over a year at the notorious Evin prison in…

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24 Years Ago …


Editor’s Note:  This is the story of Roofia Shahidi-Asdaghi.  Her father, Mr. Ni’matu’llah Katibpur-Shahidi was arrested in Mashahd and transferred to the prison in Kashmar, where he was put to death with a firing squad…

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Imprisoned In Iran For Religious Belief

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In a report released this month, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, a bipartisan governmental body, described a deteriorating situation regarding religious freedom in Iran — particularly for Baha’is, Evangelical Christians, and Sufi Muslims.…

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