Our friends at the Muslim Network for Baha’i Rights have released an interactive timeline of the persecution of the Baha’is in Iran. It “documents violations that have been perpetrated against Baha’is in the past 30…
Posts By editor
The Only Crime of the Leaders of the Baha’i Community in Iran is that “They Are Baha’is!”
Editor’s Note: Iran Press Watch is pleased to share the following essay (translated from Persian), and welcomes discussions and follow-up analysis by interested readers. Over nine months have passed since the unexplainable, unreasonable and inhumane…
Parliamentary Committee Demands Release of Imprisoned Baha’is
The Canadian Parliamentary Sub-Committee on Human Rights has adopted a strongly worded motion demanding the immediate release of the seven Baha’i leaders held now for more than nine months without formal charges and no access…
Economic Strangulation of the Baha’i Community
The persecution suffered by the Baha’i community of Iran since the Islamic Revolution in 1979 has been well documented. The attack on Baha’i communal life has included destruction of their holy places, confiscation and often…

Irani Irony
International War Crimes vis-a-vis Internal Peace Crimes By Dr. Christopher Buck Editor’s Note: The following essay is an invited editorial and Iran Press Watch is deeply grateful to Dr. Buck for this remarkably brilliant piece.…

U.K. Jewish Community in support of Baha'is
The Board of Deputies [of the Jewish Community in the United Kingdom] president, Henry Grunwald QC, has written to Foreign Secretary David Miliband with a renewed call to the government to support the persecuted Bahá’i…

U.S. Human Rights Report 2008: Iran
The U.S. State Department has released their annual human rights report on Iran. Iran Press Watch is pleased to share relevant extracts about the Baha’i situation. You may download the entire report at: http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/hrrpt/2008/nea/119115.htm. “Adherents…

Iran’s Prosecutor-General: Imprisoned Baha’i Leaders Accepted the Charges
Editor’s Note: Earlier today, Iran’s Prosecutor-General declared that the seven imprisoned Baha’i leaders have confessed to the charges brought against them. This blatant lie and utter misrepresentation is the latest in what is fast becoming…

Vandals Desecrate the Baha’i Cemetery in Semnan
Semnan – On 19 February 2009, the Baha’i cemetery in Semnan became the victim of a growing wave of violence that has swept across Iran, desecrating Baha’i burial places and terrorizing Baha’i families. Fifty tombstones…

Iranian Writers Protest Repression
by Abbas Djavadi The Iranian Writers’ Association has issued a statement protesting repression and persecution against “different groups of the Iranian society” in the recent months. The report, dated February 23, notes that “in the…
The Islamic Revolution in Iran, 30 years on
by Dr. Wahied Wahdat-Hagh Death sentences, executions, floggings and amputations mark the bitter reality in Iran 30 years on from the Islamic Revolution. The Bahai are particularly threatened by the prevailing law. Mehrangiz Kar worked…
Current Condition of the Seven Detained Baha’i Leaders
Editor’s Note: Iran Press Watch is pleased to share the following background information on the situation of the incarcerated Baha’is in Iran, and provide an update on the condition of the seven leading Baha’is who…

Bombing the Baha'is of Semnan
Editor’s Note: The following disturbing report is a translation of a news story appearing in Iran Press News (reference cited below). An unknown group has used explosives to attack several Baha’i homes in Semnan in…

Another Baha'i Arrested in Tehran
Editor’s Note: The reported translated below appeared on 2 February 2009. However, due to the enormous quantity of information posted on the site since then, it was not possible for it to be posted until…
Protests against Increased Pressures on the Baha’is
International organizations and agencies are worried concerning the likely upcoming trial of the seven leading figures of the Baha’i community of Iran who have been accused of espionage. These Baha’is have been accused by the…
UK's top comedians stand up for Bahá'ís in Iran
15 of Britain’s top comedians have written an open letter calling for the Iranian government to respect the human rights of its citizens, in particular seven leaders of the Bahá’í faith who have been imprisoned…