[educationunderfire.com] The story of Roxana Saberi’s time in prison with Mahvash Sabet and Fariba Kamalabadi, two, of The Yaran (“the Friends”), sentenced to 20 years in prison simply for helping administer the needs of the Baha’i community in…

Groundbreaking documentary exposes century-old Iranian taboo
[BWNS, 21 Feb. 2012] LOS ANGELES — A feature-length film that examines the persecution of Iran’s Baha’is opens here this week, ahead of a program of screenings throughout the United States and in other countries. Iranian…

IRANIAN TABOO: A documentary exposing the Islamic regime’s attacks against the followers of the Baha’i Faith in Iran
[payvand.com, 13 Feb. 2012] Source: Butterfly Buzz Los Angeles, CA – Iranian Taboo, a documentary by Reza Allamehzadeh, will begin screening in Los Angeles from February 24 toMarch 1 at Laemmle’s Music Hall 3 in Beverly Hills and in DC, San Diego, Atlanta, Orlando, Montreal, Chicago, Toronto,…

British novelist Jon Stock explores Iranian government’s persecution of Baha’is
[bahai.us, 9-Aug-2011] British spy novelist Jon Stock featured the Iranian government’s persecution of Baha’is as a central element of Dead Spy Running. The book was published in 2009 by Thomas Dunne Books and is slated to be made into…
"Iranian Taboo"
Dariush’s new song for Reza Allamehzadeh’s film “Iranian Taboo” composed by: Efandiar Monfaredzadeh for Reza Allamehzadeh’s documentary, “Iranian Taboo.” Mr. Reza Allamehzadeh explains that his latest documentary of 78 minutes, which has consumed him in…

In The Mideast, An Online Music Site With A Message
(NPR – 12 Oct. 2010) “Iranian rapper named Foad Manshady, of the Baha’i faith, who takes risks to relate the problems of being a religious minority in Iran. The music can be danced to, she…

We are not Spies! — a play by Mansour Taeed
“Are you a Muslim, an Armenian, an Assyrian or a Jew? Are you a Zoroastrian, a Buddhist or even a Baha’i? Are you a feminist, a leftist? Are you fed up with religion all together?…

Elika Mahony's music: Persecution – Dedicated to the Baha'is in Iran
by Elika Mahony also see Elika’s Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/elikamahony [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMf5kqGZ1EI&feature=player_embedded#![/youtube]

"Where is the Justice? stories from behind closed doors," by Rosa Vasseghi
Inspired by the teachings of the Baha’i Faith, in face of bitter and most horrible injustice, the Baha’is of Iran focus their creative energies in bringing about awareness and positive transformation to the World. Rosa…
9 Songs dedicated to the Baha'is in Iran
The persecution of the Baha’is in the homeland of their Religion has stirred an outcry from governments and media in their defense. Less noticed, however, are the many individual efforts around the world in support…
Whangarei Art Museum: "ey! iran," "Baha'i Martyrs of Iran," and more…
Whangarei Art Museum: “Ey! Iran,” “Baha’i Martyrs of Iran,” and more… Editor: “Whangarei Art Museum opened a suite of powerful art exhibitions including ‘The Baha’i Martyrs of Iran’ and ‘ey! iran’ and ‘Exiles’. Here is…
Under the Staircase
Kimia Ferdowsi is a young Baha’i artist and filmmaker. Currently a candidate for an MFA at the San Francisco Art Institute, she is a 2009 winner of the NYAXE Gallery Competition. Below one can access…
3 Videos Nominated
Our good friends at the Muslim Network for Baha’i Rights have posted the following announcement: A few months ago at Mideast Youth, we wrote about the Bitfilm Festival, whom we are a partner with, to give…

To the Children of Prison and Exile
A poem by Dr. Majid Naficy Editor’s Note: Iran Press Watch is deeply grateful to have received this poem from Dr. Naficy for publication at this site. The poem was composed on February 15, 1986…
Hungarian Baha'is share views on Iran
Each day Bahá’ís endure negative propaganda from the Iranian media, they cannot practice their religion and they are deprived of their fundamental human rights. Baha’is from Hungary have produced a video to share their view…
Rap Music about the Iranian Baha'is
The voice of youth is powerful, even more so when they employ music and video to broadcast their message. Foad Manshadi, a young American Baha’i shares his “letter of sorrow” through rap music. Read the…