Baha’i Martyrs

They Didn’t Need Warrants

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Source: By Saleem Vaillancourt Forty years ago the Islamic Republic of Iran admitted that it had executed my great-uncle. He was 65 years old. Mehdi Amin-Amin was survived by his wife, daughter, two grandsons and three siblings, including my…

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An Assembly Executed

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Source: This film is shortened video of a trial held in 1981 in the Islamic Revolutionary Court at Evin Prison in Iran.  It is the main segment of the trial, held in 1981, of seven…

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The Spiritual Assembly that Vanished


Source: Sepehr Atefi 11 October 2015 Translation by Iran Press Watch On 11 November 1979, Dr. Alimorad Davoodi, secretary of the National Spiritual Assembly (NSA) of the Baha’is of Iran, and professor of philosophy…

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