Source: By Kian Sabeti “I cannot remember the exact moment when the idea of launching a school with a new system first took root in my mind; perhaps it began to start towards the…

Source: By Kian Sabeti “I cannot remember the exact moment when the idea of launching a school with a new system first took root in my mind; perhaps it began to start towards the…
Source: Kian Sabeti Iranians of all backgrounds have together built Iran, regardless of their personal opinions, religion, or ethnicity. In a series of reports, IranWire looks at prominent personalities from Iran’s ethnic and religious…
Source: The Baha’i faith community is one of the most severely persecuted religious minorities in Iran. Iran’s government is unabashed in its propagating of false narratives about the community and has for decades blocked Baha’is from…
Source: HRANA – This report prepared by Human Rights Activists (HRA) honors the International Day of Education by bringing attention to the state of education in Iran, specially during the Covid-19 pandemic and consequent challenges…
Source: Arash Azizi Pedram Roshan has not lived in Iran for about 20 years. Memories of his country of birth are “fading,” every day, he says. But he vividly remembers the best definition of physics…
Source: Kian Sabeti Translation by Iran Press Watch Officials at the Ministry of Health have repeatedly expressed concern about Iran’s serious shortage of doctors and nurses over the past few years. This shortage has become…
Source: Geneva, 1 October 2019 – Imagine having to pack a few of your most precious belongings in haste before fleeing overnight across international borders. Holakou Rahmanian, a former Iranian refugee now resettled in the United…
Source: Ewelina U. Ochab In early September 2019, Iranian news reported that the Iranian Minister for Education had ruled that if students mention that they belong to an officially unrecognized religion, like the Baha’i faith, this can…
Source: Translation by Iran Press Watch HRANA News- Sama Zazifi, a student majoring in architecture at the University of Shahriar, was expelled for being a Baha’i. Despite depriving Baha’is from attending universities by the…
Source: Translation by Iran Press Watch HRANA News Agency- Human Rights Activists News Agency in Iran- the First Branch of the Administrative Court of Appeal upheld the ruling of the initial court regarding the…
Source: Human Rights Activist News Agency (HRANA)- As a new academic year unfolds in Iran, Baha’i prisoner Azita Rafizadeh speaks out in an open letter about the systemic barriers between post-secondary education opportunities and the country’s…
Source: Translation by Iran Press Watch Navid Khanjani, a Baha’i citizen and human rights activist, has celebrated the anniversary of six consecutive years in Rajai Shahr prison in Karaj. According to the Human Rights in…
Source: BahaiNews1 March 14, 2017 Translation by Iran Press Watch According to BahaiNews, Niloufar Mousavi was expelled from university at the end of her first semester exams, because of her belief in the Baha’i Faith.…
Source: BahaiNews1 Translation by Iran Press Watch Because of her Baha’i beliefs, Shaghayegh Karamnezhad is one of the six students who have been expelled from Rudehen University this month. Exactly two weeks prior to her…
Source: By Kian Sabeti Translation by Iran Press Watch Ms. Nikouseresht told “Iranwire”: “After the end of the class on Wednesday, 28 December, I went to the university website to check my status, and I…
Source: Prevented from going to college in Iran, she fled to the US to study, later helping discover a drug that fights cancer. Her country’s policies could come under UN scrutiny on March 19. Uma…