Brazilian Congressman Pompeo de Mattos recently released an open letter to the legal authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The statement signals yet another wave of support from governments from all corners of the…
Government Support
Concern raised at UN Human Rights Council
The United States told the United Nations on March 12, 2009, that “some Muslim countries were using the concept of religious defamation to justify curbs on freedom of speech and civil dissent.” During Thursday’s debate,…

S.Res.71 introduced in U.S. Senate
Senate Resolution, S. Res. 71, a concurrent resolution to House Resolution, H. Res. 175, regarding the persecution of the Baha’is in Iran, was introduced into the US Senate on March 9, 2009, by Senator Wyden…
Parliamentary Committee Demands Release of Imprisoned Baha’is
The Canadian Parliamentary Sub-Committee on Human Rights has adopted a strongly worded motion demanding the immediate release of the seven Baha’i leaders held now for more than nine months without formal charges and no access…
Protests against Increased Pressures on the Baha’is
International organizations and agencies are worried concerning the likely upcoming trial of the seven leading figures of the Baha’i community of Iran who have been accused of espionage. These Baha’is have been accused by the…
Congressman Mark Kirk: Then they came for the Baha'is
The following speech by Hon. Mark Steven Kirk of Illinois was delivered to the House of Representatives: Bipartisan Resolution Condemning Persecution of Baha’is in Iran ”In Germany, they first came for the gypsies, and I…
European Union releases statement
A declaration by the E.U. Presidency (currently held by the Czech Republic) on behalf of the European Union on the trial of the Yaran in Iran was released today from its Brussels offices. E.U. Candidate…
U.S. House Introduces Resolution on Baha'i case
The United States House of Representatives has introduced a resolution, H.Res.175, on the persecution of the Baha’is in Iran. The resolution was sponsored by Representatives Mark Kirk, James McGovern, Brad Sherman, Dan Burton, Bill Foster,…
Swift International Reaction to Pending Trial
NEW YORK, 15 February (BWNS) – International reaction to news that Iran may soon put on trial seven Baha’i leaders for espionage and other charges came swiftly last week as governments, parliamentary leaders and human…
U.S. State Department condemns charges
Following is a press release statement by Robert Wood, Acting Department Spokesman: The United States condemns the Iranian government’s decision to level baseless charges of espionage against seven leaders of the Iranian Baha’i community: Mrs.…

UN Secretary-General Concerned Over Threats Against Shirin Ebadi
The following report was posted on UN News Service: 3 January 2009 – Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today expressed his great concern over reports that Iranian lawyer, human rights activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Shirin…
US Department of State on UN General Assembly calls on Iran to meet Human Rights obligations
The following is the text of the Press Statement published by Sean McCormack, Spokesman for the US Department of State in Washington, DC, and dated December 19, 2008: The United States welcomes UN General Assembly…
Report of the UN Secretary-General on the situation of human rights in Iran
On October 1, the UN Secretary-General issued a report on the situation of human and civil rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The report’s summary stated: The present report, submitted in accordance with General…