Tagged By bahais

Baha'is Speak Out on Iran Elections on NPR


NPR recently interviewed Farhad Sabetan, spokesman of the Baha’i International Community, on the involvement of Iranian Baha’is in their country’s politics, specifically in relation to last week’s election. Members of the Baha’i faith, Iran’s largest…

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Semnan: A microcosm of Iran


Without mincing words, the story of Semnan is a chilling tale of organized, religiously motivated action against Baha’is. There is a subset of the population which is different only in belief; well-wishers of the nation,…

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A Gift from Evin


Mrs. Fariba Kamalabadi, six other former Baha’i leaders known as the Yaran, and some other Baha’is continue to languish in the notorious Evin prison of Tehran. While their bodies suffer incarceration and psychological torture, yet…

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Colored Pencils

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Editor’s Note:  The following is a translation of a short essay that recently appeared in Persian on the occasion of the third anniversary of the arrest of 54 Baha’i youth in Shiraz.  The original Persian…

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