Tagged By bahais

An Interview with Naeim Tavakkoli

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Editor’s Note: Naeim Tavakkoli’s father is one of the seven leading Baha’is that has been imprisoned since last May and presently awaits trial on fabricated charges by the Iranian government. On Sunday, 15 February 2009,…

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What is There to Celebrate?


By Shahrzad Arshadi Editor’s Note: Iran Press Watch is pleased to publish the following learned essay by one of its readers, Shahrzad Arshadi.  This eloquent and informative essay was first disseminated on 11 February 2009…

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Amnesty International Urgent Action


Amnesty International has launched an urgent action update exclusively devoted to the latest news about the Baha’i leaders in Iran. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible, in Persian, Arabic, English…

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U.S. State Department condemns charges


Following is a press release statement by Robert Wood, Acting Department Spokesman: The United States condemns the Iranian government’s decision to level baseless charges of espionage against seven leaders of the Iranian Baha’i community: Mrs.…

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BIC's February 2009 Iran Update

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This document from the Baha’i International Community’s United Nations Office presents only the latest developments in the ongoing oppression that targets Bahá’í citizens of the Islamic Republic of Iran. It covers the months from October…

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