Tagged By bahais

Baha’i Sentenced in Semnan


Mr. Ali Ehsani, 29-year old husband and father of two children, had previously been incarcerated incommunicado for 2 months.  For past reports on this Baha’i resident of Semnan posted on Iran Press Watch kindly consult IPW1, IPW2, IPW3, and…

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They Hanged Her for Teaching Love


Editor’s Note:  The following essay is reprinted from American Thinker and is by Amil Imani, a pro-democracy activist in the United States.  Mr. Imani is a columist, literary traslator, novelist and essayist, who has been writing…

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Crops of Baha’i Farmer Set on Fire


Earlier today, the following news was reported by the online site of Human Rights Activists News Agency: Independent and reactionary elements have set on fire the harvest of a Baha’i. On August 20, 2009, the crops of Mirza Aqa…

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Baha’i Sentenced in Sanandaj


Iran Press Watch has previously reported on the arrest of Mr. Zabiu’llah Raufi, a Baha’i resident of Sanandaj (IPW).  Further details are provided by the online site of Human Rights Activists News Agency on Saturday,…

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3 Baha’i Prisoners in Sari


Editor’s Note:  The following report was posted on Friday, August 28, 2009, by the Committee of Human Rights Reporters and appears below in translation: The trial of three Baha’i citizens by the names of Vesal…

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University Matriculation

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Editor’s Note:  The following report was filed by the Committee of Human Rights Reporters and appears on their English page.  It is reproduced below with minor adjustments for grammar, etc.  Recent unrest in Iran and…

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Short Updates

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The following news items were reported on the Persian page of Baha’i World News Service on August 26, 2009.   Hamadan (BWNS1): Mrs. Mehrangiz Husayni, a resident of Hamadan, who was arrested last year on October…

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Deadly Fatwa: Iran’s 1988 Massacre

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 Press Release Iran Human Rights Documentation Center Releases Report on Iran’s 1988 Massacre of Thousands of Political Prisoners August 27, 2009 New Haven, Connecticut – The Iran Human Rights Documentation Center (IHRDC) today released a…

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