Nazar-Abad – Mrs. Zohreh Laghai, the owner of Misagh Optician, whose business was shut down in the month of Day, 1387 (Dec., 2008), along with four other optician’s shops owned by Baha’is in Nazar-Abad (near…
Tagged By Economic Strangulation

Closure of a Baha’i Business in Semnan
The following report was posted by Iran Press News on Monday, March 16, 2009, and is provided below in translation by Iran Press Watch: In a highly questionable legal act, the shop of a Baha’i…
Economic Strangulation of the Baha’i Community
The persecution suffered by the Baha’i community of Iran since the Islamic Revolution in 1979 has been well documented. The attack on Baha’i communal life has included destruction of their holy places, confiscation and often…