Nobel Prize for Peace winner Shirin Ebadi talks to Channel 4’s International Editor Lindsey Hilsum in her Tehran office about harassment her legal work is facing. Defending the seven charged is lawyer Shirin Ebadi, winner…
Tagged By IPW

Iranian Authorities Destroy Sufi Holy Site In Isfahan
Editor’s Note: At Iran Press Watch, we were saddened to learn that authorities in Iran have destroyed a Holy Site of the Sufi Order in that country. We strongly denounce desecration of such sacred edifices and…
European Union releases statement
A declaration by the E.U. Presidency (currently held by the Czech Republic) on behalf of the European Union on the trial of the Yaran in Iran was released today from its Brussels offices. E.U. Candidate…
Iran's Prosecutor General on Baha'is as Israeli Agents
Editor’s Note: The following article was posted on Press TV, an English-language Iranian news network. It relates a statement by Iran’s Prosecutor General Dorri-Najafabadi in reaction to a statement by the U.S. State Department condemning…
Swift International Reaction to Pending Trial
NEW YORK, 15 February (BWNS) – International reaction to news that Iran may soon put on trial seven Baha’i leaders for espionage and other charges came swiftly last week as governments, parliamentary leaders and human…
U.S. State Department condemns charges
Following is a press release statement by Robert Wood, Acting Department Spokesman: The United States condemns the Iranian government’s decision to level baseless charges of espionage against seven leaders of the Iranian Baha’i community: Mrs.…
BIC's February 2009 Iran Update
This document from the Baha’i International Community’s United Nations Office presents only the latest developments in the ongoing oppression that targets Bahá’í citizens of the Islamic Republic of Iran. It covers the months from October…
"My esteemed fellow countrymen and women"
Almost 30 years ago, Manousheed Bagha’s mother was executed for the sole purpose of being an adherent of the Baha’i Faith. Upon hearing that the cemetery of Khavaran, where her mother was buried, faces the…
Case still open against Released Christians
Editor’s Note: The Iranian government is currently debating the adoption of a proposed penal code that would mandate the death penalty for apostates. This will have severe consequences not only for Baha’i prisoners, but also…
Institute commends apology of Iranian intellectuals to Baha’is
Washington, DC, Feb. 5, 2009—The Institute on Religion and Public Policy heartily commends the open letter signed by over 40 Iranian intellectuals apologizing to Bahai’s for remaining silent over their country’s ill-treatment of the community.…
Release of Four Baha'is
On Tuesday, February 3, 2009, the Baha’i International Community announced that four Baha’is who had been incarcerated since 18 January, 2009, were released on providing surety. These individuals were: Mrs. Farzaneh Ahmadzadeh (Fanaian), Ms. Amelia…
Another Arrest in Tehran
Another member of Tehran’s Baha’i community was arrested after summons to a meeting. The Ministry of Intelligence had previously summoned Namya Haghar, a Baha’i from Tehran, to arrive at the Vali-Asr Square office on February…
Certificate in Anti-Baha’i Studies!
Editor’s Note: In light of increased attacks on the Baha’i community in Iran and further systematization of these hostilities, the following story in Ayandeh Roushan [Bright Future] News Agency caught our attention and is presented…

Shirin Ebadi’s Objections
Editor’s Note: The following is a translation of a commentary posted on Javan [“youth”] blog. “Bist va Si”, a well-known TV program among Iranians, stated on behalf of Shirin Ebadi, “I am proud of defending…

The Baha’i Situation in Iran is Deteriorating!
Editor’s Note: Mrs. Kit Bigelow is the Director of External Affairs of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the United States. She was interviewed by Radio Farda’s reporter, Newsha Boghrati, and Iran Press…

Behrouz Tavakkoli – A Profile in Courage
By Naeim Tavakkoli Editor’s Note: Iran Press Watch is pleased to share the following profile of Behrouz Tavakkoli outlined by his son, Naeim. Mr. Tavakkoli is one of the seven members of the national body…