Source: BahaiNews1 Translation by Iran Press Watch According to a report by BahaiNews, on Sunday morning, February 12, 2017, security forces in the city of Shiraz in Fars province arrested two Baha’is, Farham Sabet and…

Source: BahaiNews1 Translation by Iran Press Watch According to a report by BahaiNews, on Sunday morning, February 12, 2017, security forces in the city of Shiraz in Fars province arrested two Baha’is, Farham Sabet and…
Source: BahaiNews1 Translation by Iran Press Watch According to BahaiNews, today, Wednesday February 8th, 2017, Ehsan Amirinia, Nima Rajabzadeh and Arman Bandi, three Baha’is from the city of Kerman, were detained by provincial Intelligence and…
Source: BahaiNews1 Translation by Iran Press Watch According to a report from “BahaiNews”, Baha’i businesses and shops in the province of Kerman remain sealed and closed after almost a year. According to this report, on 26and…