Tagged By press

Suffocating the Baha'is


By Sean Gannon As Baha’is around the world celebrated their new year last weekend, thoughts and prayers turned to Iran where the community has been shaken by the arrest and impending trial on trumped-up charges…

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I really do not understand!


by Hassan Yousefi Eshakavari Editor’s Note:  Hassan Yousefi Eshakavari is a trained cleric, but because of his progressive and non-orthodox views was divested of his robe of office (khal-i libas).  He was also jailed by…

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Expelled Baha’i Student at Sahand University


Editor’s Note:  Sama Noorani is an expelled Baha’i student from Sahand University in Tabriz and has contributed this piece about experience, which appears below in translation. For some background on this incident, please see: http://www.iranpresswatch.org/2009/03/expulsion-3-sahand/…

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Anti-Bahaism in Iran


by Wahied Wahdat-Hagh In Iran, state-sponsored hate propaganda and conspiracy theories against the Bahai are never-ending. Now, “crypto-Jews” – also called “Anusim” – are said to have been responsible for the spread of the Babi…

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Crimes Against Humanity

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The U.S.-based Iran Human Rights Documentation Center has published a November 2008 report on the Islamic Republic’s attacks on the Baha’i Community. It amplifies the injustices brought upon the Baha’is by Iran’s fanatical clergy and…

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Obama's Naw Ruz message to Iran


Update: Iran Plays Down New Obama Video Message (NY Times) Editor’s Note: Barack Obama’s video message to Iranians marks a significant step in the relations between the new U.S. administration and the Islamic leaders of…

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Baha’is Arrested in Shiraz


Editor’s Note:  The following report was written by one of the Baha’is of Shiraz, who was aware that Mrs. Haleh Hooshmandi-Salehi was summoned by Iranian government authorities on Monday.  They told her to go home…

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