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Map of Events

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This map documents violations that have been perpetrated against Baha’is in the past 30 years, from executions, to arrests, expulsions and desecration. It will function as a living record of the atrocities that have been…

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Timeline This interactive timeline documents violations that have been perpetrated against Baha’is in the past 30 years, from executions, to arrests, expulsions and desecration. Map of Events This map locates incidents of violation that have…

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This timeline documents violations that have been perpetrated against Baha’is in the past 30 years, from executions, to arrests, expulsions and desecration. It will function as a living record of the atrocities that have been…

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Current Baha’i Prisoners in Iran


Periodically, Iran Press Watch publishes a list of Baha’i prisoners in Iran who remain incarcerated because of their religious belief.  At the present time, there are 49 Baha’i prisoners throughout Iran.  The Date of incarceration…

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Summary Report | January – March 2009

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Iran Press Watch is pleased to announce its second quarterly Summary Report for 2009. These reports cover arrests, incarcerations, and raids on homes; destruction of Bahá’í properties; denial of education; and deprivation of livelihood. Translations…

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Suffocating the Baha'is


By Sean Gannon As Baha’is around the world celebrated their new year last weekend, thoughts and prayers turned to Iran where the community has been shaken by the arrest and impending trial on trumped-up charges…

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