Posts By editor

A Visit with Sasan Taqva


Editor’s Note:  As Iran Press Watch reported earlier (, a description of some recent visits has been received and is shared below in translation. By Shomeys Mohajer The moment of seeing a friend again is…

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A bleak future for Baha'is

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International pressure may have set Roxana Saberi free, but the plight of seven Iranian Baha’is, imprisoned in Tehran a year ago has gone largely unnoticed. In an article in the International Politics section of the…

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BBC Persian TV reports on Yaran

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BBC Persian TV included a report on the anniversary of the arrest of Iran’s Baha’i leaders.  The segment on the Baha’is starts 29:10 mins into the broadcast:

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They keep complaining…


By Samandar, a Baha’i in Iran Once upon a time I was in prison. One day the investigator summoned me and kept asking me all sorts of questions. I responded, “If I answer your questions,…

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