[On Monday, 6 October 2008, the prestigious organization Human Rights Activists in Iran published the following letter by a Baha’i student under file number 87-1073: http://www.hrairan.com/Archive_87/1095.html. This letter is offered below in translation. Ahang Rabbani.]…
Posts By editor
New Threats Against the Baha’is of Iran
[The following report was filed by Hasan Zerehi, who is the editor-in-chief of Shahrvand, a Persian weekly published in Toronto, Canada. This essay (report no. 1197) was posted on Wednesday, 1 October 2008: http://fa.shahrvand.com/. It…
Imprisoned for Being Baha'i
[The following report was filed on Friday, 3 October 2008, with online service, Iran-Emrooz: http://www.iran-emrooz.net/index.php?/news1/16743/ and is offered below in translation.] Summary Harassment and unbridled aggravation against Baha’i citizens continues in the central towns of…
What Crime Did These Trees Commit?
During the early hours of Saturday, 27 September 2008, the custodians and grounds-keepers of the Baha’i cemetery in Isfahan visited the cemetery (on the road leading to Nain in province of Yazd) and found all…
New Academic Year in Iran: But What about the Baha’i Students?
By Behrouz Setoodeh [Setoodeh is a prominent political activist and often writes informed social and political essays for Iran-Global online site. The following article was posted on 15 September 2008 at Iran Global and Peykarian.…
Media Attack Against the Baha'i Faith
In the English-reading world, we often don’t hear very much about the unabated media attack in Iran against the Baha’i community. And when we hear something, often it is not the full story or doesn’t…
Montazeri’s Admirable Defense of our Baha’i countrymen
By Behrouz Setoodeh [The following is a translation of an essay by Behrouz Setoodeh, published at: http://sokhansara.com/HTML/bahai.htm. Mr. Setoodeh is a prominent political and human rights activist, and articles by him have previously appeared on…
Redeem a Shameful History by Defending our Baha’i Countrymen!
by Behrouz Setoodeh [Setoodeh is a former prominent political activist and often writes informed political essays for Iranglobal website. This article was posted at http://www.jamali.info/minorities/?page=170508_A1 and extracts from it are translated below. Mr. Setoodeh is…
The Cologne Proclamation
[On Monday, 22 September 2008, DW-World.DE, which is the online service of the prestigious Deutsche Welle network, reported the following news. This report is available at http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,2144,3663349,00.html and was filed by K. Ghahari. Ahang Rabbani,…
Latest Status of 3 Imprisoned Youth
On Sunday, 21 September 2008, Human Rights Activists in Iran filed the following report (http://www.hrairan.com/Archive_87/1066.html): Raha Sabet, Heleh Rouhi and Sasan Taqva were accused of forming illegal groups and promoting interests contrary to the Islamic…
Saturday, 20 September 2008
News Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA), which often echoes the archconservative sentiments of Iran’s Islamic regime, reported on Friday, 19 September 2008, (http://www.isna.ir/ISNA/NewsView.aspx?ID=News-1201091&Lang=P) that a petition was signed earlier in the day at the Friday…
Friday, 19th of September
The organization Human Rights Activists of Iran reports (http://www.hrairan.com/Archive_87/1044.html) that on Thursday, 11 September 2008, the following incident occurred: Four Baha’i students who have been denied access to institutions of higher education decided to follow…
Petition for dissolution of the Baha’i administration in Iran
[Updated: Pictures at the bottom of post] On Wednesday, 17 September 2008, an ominous development was announced by Shahbnews.com (http://www.shahabnews.com/vdcc.1qma2bqxsla82.html), which impacts the entire Baha’i community of Iran. The report stated that this Friday, 19…
Nabil’s Narrative: What History has Forgotten
By Dr. Soheila Vahdati [Dr. Vahdati is an Iranian-American human rights activist and freelance writer who has published extensively on the effects of the death penalty, women’s rights and gender issues in Iranian journals. Some…
An Outstanding Baha’i Student Deprived of Education for Being Baha’i
[The following is a translation of a letter by Hulaku Rahmanian. This letter is on file at the office of Human Rights Activists of Iran and was published on Thursday, 4 September 2008, on the…
I am a Baha'i too!
by Khosro Shemiranie [Shemiranie was born in Iran, studied in Germany and lives in Canada. He is a freelance writer specializing in analytical articles on the socio-political issues of Iran and violations of human rights.…