
Shahnaz Ranjbar Oladi detained

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[hra-news.org] Iranian Baha’i, Shahnaz Ranjbar Oladi, was summoned by agents of the Ministry of Intelligence and detained by a court warrant. According to HRANA reporters (The Human Rights Activists News Agency), A Baha’i citizen, residing…

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The Gardener (Documentary – Iran)

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[variety.com 11 Oct. 2012] By RICHARD KUIPERS A Makhmalbaf Film House production. (International sales: M-Line Distribution, Seoul.) Produced by Makhmalbaf Film House. Directed, written by Mohsen Makhmalbaf. With: Maysam Makhmalbaf, Mohsen Makhmalbaf, Ririva Eona Mabi, Paula…

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The Crime of Teaching

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[Iranian.com, 12 Oct. 2012] Education prohibited in the “Holy Land” — Please see the correction from irannian.com below. Editor — correction: by Khosro Shemiranie10-Oct-2012 This article was originally written in Farsi by Khosro Shemiranie of…

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The Gardner, A Documentary by Mohsen Makhmalbaf

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The Gardener(Documentary – Iran)The Gardener(Documentary – Iran)By RICHARD KUIPERSA Makhmalbaf Film House production.(International sales: M-Line Distribution, Seoul.) Produced by Makhmalbaf Film House. Directed, written by Mohsen Makhmalbaf.With: Maysam Makhmalbaf, Mohsen Makhmalbaf, Ririva Eona Mabi, Paula…

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Continued persecution of Baha'is in Egypt


It seems like the Bahai’s of Egypt share persecution with the Baha’is of Iran. Below is an English translation of an article from Persian (http://www.radiofarda.com/content/f3_bahais_egypt/24712130.html) by Dr. Wahied Wahdat-Hagh. Editor — In an article in…

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Friends of BIHE Open Letter

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[http://www.educationunderfire.com]  Please sign the Friends of BIHE Open Letter organized by Fall Campaign of Education Under Fire. — oin hands with thousands of members of academic, civic, religious and human rights communities in showing your…

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A Note of Thanks to Our Baha'i Friends

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by Onlyiran 21-Sep-2012 Every couple of months, a hatemongering individual with very obvious obsessive disorders sign up on Iranian.com with a litany of different user id’s and begins attacking our Baha’i compatriots. From calling them outright…

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Iran and human rights: a new landscape

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[OpenDemocracy.net, 9 Sep 2012] by Omid Memarian. The Iranian president’s forthcoming visit to the United States is an opportunity to highlight the continued repression under his regime, says Omid Memarian. In late September 2012, the…

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Banned from making their mark

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[BWNS, 6 Sep 2012] NEW YORK — In practically any other country of the world, a teenage chess champion, a national judo standout and a talented pianist would be valued as contributors to their society. In…

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