Tagged By bahais

A Tablet of 'Abdu’l-Baha


Editor’s Note:  Many reports on this site reflect the injustices of the Iranian government towards the beleaguered Baha’i community of that land.  In this regard, Iran Press Watch was pleased to ask Gloria Yazdani to…

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Shahroukh Taef Released on Bail


On March 17, Iran Press Watch reported that efforts were underway to provide the required surety for the release of Mr. Shahroukh Taef who had been incarcerated since January 14, 2009: http://www.iranpresswatch.org/2009/03/17-prisoner-bail/ Reliable sources have…

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Baha'is are British Spies!


Editor’s Note:  Rasa News Agency continues to share the sentiments of the Iranian clerical establishment towards the Baha’is.  In this case, a thoroughly discredited conspiracy theory that the Baha’i Faith was a creation of British…

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