Tagged By iran

Rag-e Tak Available Online

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Iran Press Watch is pleased to note that the two-volume survey of Iranian social history titled, Rag-e Tak [the vein of vine], is now available online at:  http://ragetak.com/ Rag-e Tak is by “Delarm Mashhoori” and…

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Trial Delayed!


According to various sources, the trial of the seven imprisoned Baha’is who formerly supervised the Baha’i community of Iran has been postponed.  The new trial date appears to be set for 26 Mehr 1388, corresponding…

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Profiles of the Yaran


In anticipation of the upcoming trial of the seven former leaders of the Baha’i community of Iran, known as the Yaran, meaning friends, Iran Press Watch is pleased to publish the following short biographical profiles…

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Baha’i Arrested in Sari

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According to Human Rights Activists News Agency, on Tuesday, August 4, Anvar Moslemi (http://www.iranpresswatch.org/post/3934), one of the Baha’is of Sari, was arrested at his house and taken to an unknown location.  On that day, a…

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From the Editor’s Desk


Recently a talk by Mrs. Malek-Afagh Davudi, the widow of the former member of the National Spiritual Assembly of Iran, Prof ‘Ali-Murad Davudi, who disappeared on November 11, 1979, and is presumed killed, was published…

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Atrocious Acts in Prisons


Editor’s Note:  Though the mission of Iran Press Watch is primarily to document atrocities inflicted against the Baha’i community of Iran, it is recognized that the human rights of all Iranians – indeed all the…

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