Tagged By iranian

Summary Report | January – March 2009

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Iran Press Watch is pleased to announce its second quarterly Summary Report for 2009. These reports cover arrests, incarcerations, and raids on homes; destruction of Bahá’í properties; denial of education; and deprivation of livelihood. Translations…

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Why Suppress the Baha’is?


By Dr. Hossein Bagher-Zadeh Editor’s Note: Dr. Bagher-Zadeh is a learned Iranian intellectual, a human rights activists and a regular contributor to the online journal Iranian.com, where this essay first appeared. He is a spokesperson…

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A Baha’i Arrested in Semnan


Semnan continues to be a hotbed of anti-Baha’i activity, and many incidents against the Baha’is of that town have been reported in the pages of Iran Press Watch. Iran Press Watch learned earlier today of…

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Baha’is Need Justice! (Part 2)


By Dr. Majid Naficy Editor’s Note: The following is part 2 of Dr. Naficy’s cogent article, translated by Iran Press Watch. Author’s Biography: Before Dr. Naficy’s article is presented, we offer the following brief biography…

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Baha’is Need Justice! (Part 1)


By Majid Naficy Editor’s Note: Naficy is a well-known Iranian poet and writer.   Recently he was asked to sign the famous letter “We are Ashamed”, but he refused.  However, he has written the following brilliant…

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