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Baha’i Citizen Arrested in Tehran

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Source: Translation by Iran Press Watch According to a report by the campaign of “No to Imprisonment and Persecution of Baha’is”, on Friday, May 11, 2018, Mehrdad Heyrani, a Baha’i citizen residing in Tehran was…

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Three Baha’is Arrested in Abadan


Source: May 6, 2018 Translation by Iran Press Watch According to Ostanwire (of, on Sunday morning of May 6, 2018, agents of the Ministry of Information of Abadan City in southwest Iran performed an…

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Sealing of Baha’i-Owned Businesses

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Source: Translation by Iran Press Watch Since the Islamic Revolution, systematic oppression of the Baha’i Community in Iran by the Islamic Regime has been ongoing, with economic oppression being one of the methods used…

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