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The Right to Believe!


Editors’ Note: Today, June 18, marks the anniversary of martyrdom of 10 brave and devoted Baha’i ladies in Shiraz.  Iran Press Watch is pleased to mark their sacrifice of love with the following essay. Dedicated…

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Names and titles often seen on Iran Press Watch: Afif Naemi – One of the seven former Yaran.  An industrialist who was unable to pursue his dream of becoming a doctor, because as a Baha’i…

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Semnan: A microcosm of Iran


Without mincing words, the story of Semnan is a chilling tale of organized, religiously motivated action against Baha’is. There is a subset of the population which is different only in belief; well-wishers of the nation,…

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What has befallen me?!


Editor’s Note:  Fariba Kamalabadi (Taefi) is one of the seven former Baha’i leaders, previously known as the Yaran [“Friends” in Iran].  She has been imprisoned for over a year at the notorious Evin prison in…

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24 Years Ago …


Editor’s Note:  This is the story of Roofia Shahidi-Asdaghi.  Her father, Mr. Ni’matu’llah Katibpur-Shahidi was arrested in Mashahd and transferred to the prison in Kashmar, where he was put to death with a firing squad…

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Imprisoned In Iran For Religious Belief

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In a report released this month, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, a bipartisan governmental body, described a deteriorating situation regarding religious freedom in Iran — particularly for Baha’is, Evangelical Christians, and Sufi Muslims.…

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