
Arrests of Three Baha’is


Source: Translation by Iran Press Watch HRANA, the news agency for Human Rights Activists in Iran, in three separate accounts reports of the arrest of three Baha’is across Iran. Farid Moghadam Ziraki of Birjand, Sohaila…

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Three Baha’is Arrested in Tehran

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Source: Translation by Iran Press Watch HRANA – Munirih Bavil Soflaie, Minoo Zamanipoor and Gholamhossien Mazloumi were arrested today in the early morning by security forces, and then transferred to Evin Prison. Based on reporting…

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Baha’i Ruhollah Zibaie Arrested

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Source: Translation by Iran Press Watch HRA News Agency – Ruhollah Zibaie, a Baha’i resident of Karaj, was arrested by security forces at his home today and taken to an unknown location. Failure by officials…

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Three Baha’is Arrested in Semnan

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Source: Translation by Iran Press Watch HRANA News Agency – Behnam Eskandarani, Yalda Firoozian and Ardeshir Fanayan, three Baha’i citizens in Semnan, were arrested by security forces this morning and transferred to an unknown location.…

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