
Government Arrests More Baha’is, Again

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Source: Iranian authorities arrested two members of Iran’s long persecuted Baha’i religious minority on Sunday amid an intensified crackdown on the faith group, IranWire can report. Thirteen Kerman Intelligence Department agents raided the houses of Roha…

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Baha’i “Open Cases”

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Source: Translation by Iran Press Watch What you will read is the result of several hours of conversation with three people – Morteza, Pejman and Maryam. All three, who are not Bahá’ís, have Bahá’í friends…

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Baha’is Citizen Jila Shahriari Imprisoned

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Source: According to HRANA, the news agency of Human Rights Activists, Baha’i citizen Jila Shahriari started her sentencing at Evin Prison. An informed source told HRANA that Evin Prison officials called Shahriari to appear at Prosecutor’s…

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