[roozonline] Monday, March 7th 2014- Farvardin 18th 1393 Denial of the existence of the Prisoners and the Student Banned from Higher Education Baha’is in Iran are not discriminated against! By Niusha Saremi The head…

[roozonline] Monday, March 7th 2014- Farvardin 18th 1393 Denial of the existence of the Prisoners and the Student Banned from Higher Education Baha’is in Iran are not discriminated against! By Niusha Saremi The head…
Source: www.bbc.co.uk Translation by Iran Press Watch Niki Mahjoub [Originally published by BBC Persian on Tuesday, 8 April 2014 at 16:59 GMT] One day in the middle of class, our religion teacher asked, “Children, have you…
The 13tAnnual Report on International Religious Freedomfrom the U.S. Department of State names Iran “Country of Particular Concern” for religious repression. The report is extensive and covers some 204 countries. See here for the section…
“Are you a Muslim, an Armenian, an Assyrian or a Jew? Are you a Zoroastrian, a Buddhist or even a Baha’i? Are you a feminist, a leftist? Are you fed up with religion all together?…
Statement on the Situation of the Bahá’ís in Iran The seven Iranian Bahá’í leaders sentenced to 20 year prison terms are yet further victims of the Iranian regime’s flagrant disregard towards its human rights obligations…
(30 August 2010 BWNS ) GENEVA — A United Nations panel of experts has expressed concern over Iran’s continued repression of ethnic and religious minorities, including members of the Baha’i Faith. In conclusions issued last…
UK Foreign Office minister Alistair Burt reiterates the government’s concerns about the ongoing detention of the seven Baha’i leaders in Iran. “I again urge the Iranian Government to cease its harassment of the Baha’i minority,…
Iran: End Persecution of Baha’is Dozens Detained Without Charge; Leaders Face Charges Carrying Death Penalty FEBRUARY 23, 2010 Human Rights Watch (New York) – The Iranian government should immediately stop harassing and arbitrarily detaining members…
Faith Complex: Sovaida Ma`ani Ewing and Jacques Berlinerblau Sovaida Ma’ani Ewing speaks of the persecution of the Baha’i in Iran and the ongoing trial of 7 community members accused of spying for Israel and the…
The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the Iranian League for the Defence of Human Rights (LDDHI) express their deepest concern regarding the ongoing repression against the Baha’i community in Iran. (FIDH) According to…
16 February, 2010 (BWNS) GENEVA — Countries from around the world have voiced strong concern at the United Nations Human Rights Council over Iran’s deteriorating human rights record. In speeches yesterday and in documents filed with…
THE TRIAL OF THE YARAN UNDER IRANIAN CRIMINAL PROCEDURE: “THE JUSTICE OF GOD” OR PROCEDURAL INJUSTICE? by Christopher Buck, Ph.D., J.D. [Editor: Iran Press Watch welcomes back Dr. Christopher Buck, a distinguished legal scholar. While most writers…
Two Baha’is residing in the province of Mazandaran were given new sentences – imprisonment and cash fines – by the Provincial Appeals Court. Harana News – Rights of religious minorities: The appeals court of the…
27 Jan., 2010 (BWNS) NEW YORK — Concern is growing over the lack of information about the status of 10 Baha’is who were arrested earlier this month in Iran. In addition to worry about their…
Two Baha’is were arrested by Security forces in Babolsar, on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 29th and 30th of Day (19-20 Jan 2010) Harana News -Rights of religious minorities: Two Baha’i residents of Babolsar were arrested…