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Semnan’s Baha’i Cemetery Vandalized

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Source: Unknown individuals attacked the Baha’i cemetery in central Semnan amid ongoing disruptions by authorities regarding the burial of the dead of the persecuted religious minority. According to an informed source speaking to IranWire,…

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Semnan: A microcosm of Iran


Without mincing words, the story of Semnan is a chilling tale of organized, religiously motivated action against Baha’is. There is a subset of the population which is different only in belief; well-wishers of the nation,…

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A Baha’i Arrested in Semnan


Semnan continues to be a hotbed of anti-Baha’i activity, and many incidents against the Baha’is of that town have been reported in the pages of Iran Press Watch. Iran Press Watch learned earlier today of…

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Bombing the Baha'is of Semnan


Editor’s Note:  The following disturbing report is a translation of a news story appearing in Iran Press News (reference cited below). An unknown group has used explosives to attack several Baha’i homes in Semnan in…

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