In a report filed from Cairo on Wednesday, July 29, the Associated Press (AP) writer Lee Keath states: The state news agency IRNA said Wednesday that indictments had been issued against “around 20” detainees involved in “planning…
Recent Posts

Fariba Kamalabadi
Mrs. Kamalabadi is one of the seven former Baha’i leaders who continues to languish in Tehran’s notorious Evin prison on false and fabricated charges. She was arrested in May 2008. Several items of interest related…

Christians in Iran: Threatening Situation
The regime in Tehran is sending out mixed signals as to whether Iran’s Criminal Code will now impose the death penalty on Muslims who forsake Islam to convert to Christianity. A final decision on the…

Abdu’l-Baha on Baha’i Persecutions in 1903 (part 2)
Abdu’l-Baha’s Treatise A synopsis of the sorrowful events of the [Baha’i] martyrs in Yazd and Isfahan He is God! In this enlightened age, which is the century of the Almighty God, by the effulgence of…
Anti-Baha’i Training in Kazerun
Iranian Quran News Agency (IQNA) reports on Tuesday, July 28, 2009, in Persian: A representative of a religious seminary in the province of Fars states that the first round of critical studies of religions and…

Dr. Tavakoli’s Article in Translation
Recently, Iran Press Watch was pleased to post an abstract of Prof. Tavakoli-Targhi’s important essay, “Anti-Baha’ism and Islamism in Iran, 1941-1955”. Through the kindness of one of our readers, the site has received a scan…

Abdu’l-Baha on Baha’i Persecutions in 1903 (part 1)
Editor’s Note: The Baha’i community of Iran has had a long and sorrowful history of persecution, some of which has already been recounted in English language sources. To provide further scholarly access to this history,…

Anti-Baha’ism and Islamism in Iran, 1941-1955
Editor’s Note: Prof. Mohammad Tavakoli-Targhi’s seminal study was published in translation in The Baha’is of Iran: Socio-historical studies, 2008, New York, NY: Routledge. An abstract of this paper appears below with the link to the…

If “We are the world,” then “We are Iran”: Time to Join the Global Day of Action for Iran
Editor’s Note: In support of the Global Day of Action, Iran Press Watch is pleased to publish this invited editorial by Dr. Christopher Buck, a regular contributor to this site. This is a foundational essay…
The Murder of Robert Imbrie (part 2)
Report to the U.S. Secretary of State by W. Smith Murray American Consular Service, Teheran, Persia August 10, 1924 SECRET AND STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL The Honorable The Secretary of State, Washington Sir: – I have the…

The Murder of Robert Imbrie (part 1)
Robert Whitney Imbrie was a Major in the United States Army and an American diplomat. He was killed at Tehran, on July 18, 1924, by a mob who thought he was a Baha’i. He was…
The best solution? True democracy in Iran
Hillary Clinton’s recent statement that the United States would extend a “defensive umbrella” over the Middle East if Iran acquired nuclear weapons reflects the world’s increasing acceptance that, sooner or later, the Islamic Republic will…

Rehumanizing the Dehumanized
Editor’s Note: Today, Kayhan London, a most influential Persian-language newspaper outside Iran, published the following article. You can read the original Persian on Kayhan’s website. By Koroush Agah-Kesheh The detention for more than a year…

Iranian Tells of Abuse of Rights
Persecuted for her religious beliefs, Anisa Memari left Iran to study in Australia. The 26-year-old Sydney University law and medicine student is now mounting a campaign to raise awareness of the human rights abuses in…

There Can’t be a Happy Ending to Our Story
There can’t be a happy ending to our story, if only the human rights of certain segments of society are considered Editor’s Note: Dr. Vahdati is an Iranian-American human rights activist and freelance writer who…

Update on the Baha’is of Iran
The Persian page of Baha’i World News Service (BWNS) has provided several updates on Wednesday, July 23, 2009, which appear below in translation by Iran Press Watch. Shiraz: Temporary leave of two Baha’i youth prisoners…