Prominent figures from the worlds of education, law, human rights, religion and journalism have today published an open letter expressing grave concern at the Iranian government’s denial of access to education to members of the…
Recent Posts
Destruction of Baha’i Cemeteries: A Systematic Anti-Baha’i Campaign
By Vahid Mazahib [The Religious Group] Tuesday, 9 December 2008 Among the various problems confronting the Baha’is of Iran, one can point to the systematic destruction and desecration of their cemeteries as a significant element…
Baha’i Students’ Open Letter on Student Day
In the charged atmosphere after the CIA-supported military coup of August 1953 which brought Muhammad-Reza Pahlavi back to the throne and suppressed a popular uprising in support of Dr. Mohammad Mosaddeq, university students in Iran…
Denial of Education: An Appeal by an Academic
On 30 October 2005, Dr. Christopher Buck wrote the following letter to several officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran serving in the United States, Canada and the Great Britain, in addition to sharing it…

Letter of the Husband of an Imprisoned Baha’i of Mazandaran
I respectfully submit that I, Payam Khushbin, have been confronted with a difficulty that from one perspective has caused a crisis within my family and from another perspective has brought into question the role of…
Proclamation by Karaj Prisoners in Support of their Baha’i Countrymen
Subsequent to the arrest of the 54 Baha’i youth in Shiraz who were conducting humanitarian activities, but were arrested on the false charge of “activities against the State”, on 28 May 2006, the political prisoners…
Radicalism and Contempt
By Shirin Ebadi Values such as human rights are international standards that apply to all cultures and religions across national boundaries. For this reason, it is meaningless to speak of eastern or western, or, Islamic…
A Song Dedicated to Prominent Baha’is in Iran
In our continual efforts to give voice to artistic expressions of the Baha’is of Iran, we’re happy to share the following music file dedicated to Yaran Iran, a group of 7 individuals who had responsibility…

Activities of the Office of Student Unity
By Shirin Karimi (a reporter for Rooz News Agency) Bahareh Hedayat, a central committee member of the student group Office for Student Unity [i.e. ISU “Daftar-e Tahkim-e Vahdat”] and former head of the organization’s women’s…
Muslim Students Protest Baha’i Expelled from Iranian University
(From One of the weapons the Iranian government has employed to suppress its Baha’i population is denying its youth their right to an education, in what can only be described as an intellectual cleansing.…
Baha’i Faith and Social Action
An Encyclopedia article by Dr. Christopher Buck Christopher Buck’s “Baha’i Faith and Social Action” is an “invited” article, published in the Encyclopedia of Activism and Social Justice, edited by Gary L. Anderson and Kathryn G.…
Baha’is Sentenced to 2-year Imprisonment
The following is reported by various agencies in Iran (sources given at the end): Subsequent to their 18 November 2008 trial by the revolutionary court of Yasuj, three active members of the Baha’i community of…
Iran Human Rights Documentation Center Releases Report: “A Crime Against Humanity: The Islamic Republic’s Attacks on the Bahá’ís”
(New Haven, Connecticut, December 1, 2008) This new report from the IHRDC examines the Islamic Republic’s persecution of its Bahá’í citizens since the Islamic Revolution of 1979. The report complements two earlier publications, A Faith…

Religious Minority Rights
By Christopher Buck In an increasingly globalized world, Islamic identity is ultimately a legal as well as a religious issue. This is especially true where the identities of religious minorities stand in tension with Islamic…
Discrimination Of Minorities In Iran
There are at least 28 Baha’is in jail in different parts of Iran who are imprisoned because of their religion. At any given moment, there may actually be more than this number, but sometimes Baha’is…
International: A Brief Look at Iran's Bahá'í Religious Minority
By James Gilman for Mcgill Since 1979 revolution, persecution of progressive faith has intensified The Bahá’í Faith is a monotheistic religion founded in mid-nineteenth century Persia (present-day Iran) by Mirza Hoseyn Ali Nuri, also known…