Tagged By press

Regime Disregards People's Rights

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Fall Report by the Center for Defenders of Human Rights – 2009.01.14 Arash Motamed Editor’s Note:  The following article appeared at Rooz online and is reposted here due to its importance for our readers’ information.…

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'Ashura Ceremonies and the Baha’is


By Akhtar Arjmandi Translated by Omid Ghaemmaghami [Translator’s Note: Akhtar Arjmandi maintains a blog dedicated to the defense of Iran’s Baha’i Community where she refutes attacks made against Baha’is in the Iranian press and in…

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Intimidation of Baha’i Prisoners

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Editor’s Note:  The following was reported in Persian on Wednesday, 7 January 2009, by Iran Press News and Human Rights Activists of Iran: Two Baha’is incarcerated in Sari were reprimanded and humiliated for failing to…

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My Father Is Imprisoned!

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Editor’s Note: The following is a translation of an interview conducted by Ardavan Roozbeh, a reporter for Radio Zamaaneh, with Faris Ataian, whose father, Masoud Ataian, is one of the Baha’is illegally abducted and imprisoned…

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Life for Me was Slow Death!

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By Kamal Yazdan-Panah Editor’s Note: The following is a translation by Iran Press Watch of a moving autobiography posted on the Baha’i World News Service (BWNS) online site. There are 16 associated documents, which are…

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