Editor’s Note: This is the final instalment in Abdu’l-Baha’s remarkable report about the persecution of the Baha’is in Isfahan, Yazd and the surrounding areas. Previous segments are available at: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6…

Editor’s Note: This is the final instalment in Abdu’l-Baha’s remarkable report about the persecution of the Baha’is in Isfahan, Yazd and the surrounding areas. Previous segments are available at: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6…
In short, the last information from Yazd, conveyed by the illustrious Siyyid Mahdi Afnan, the offshoot of the Divine Lote Tree, is as follows: The number of the martyrs has reached one hundred and seventy…
Approximately 89% of Iranians are Shia Muslims.[13] The rest, including Baha’i, Christian, Zoroastrian, Sunni Muslim, and Jewish communities, constitute around 11%. Despite their popularity in the country, the total membership of Sufi groups in the…
By Michael Boren Simin Ziaie flips through the pages of 215 men, women and teenagers. Their faces represent multitudes of families and personalities. One is a 17-year-old girl who taught Sunday school, another an educator,…
On 21 March 2009 the Spanish House of Representatives passed a motion in defense of the Baha’is in Iran. The motion, presented by the People’s Party and adopted unanimously, calls for the release of the…
Editor’s Note: The following Open Letter was published in August 3, 2009, issue of the New York Times, in a full-page. To Shirin Ebadi and to All the dissidents — the brave men and women…
In short, on that day, in course of this mighty cataclysm and the outbreak of this inferno of malice, gates and houses were burned, dwellings invaded, and they destroyed, beat, killed, and plundered all. The…
As a result, the third day after the arrival of that worthless [man], either through persuasion or force, a mob of ruffians and vagabonds was assembled. A great multitude, armed with swords and daggers, invaded…
News concerning inclusion of Baha’is in upcoming trials of protesters continues to be vague and unconfirmed. The following reports hint at inclusion of Baha’is in these trials, but Iran Press Watch is not aware of further details.…
Editor’s Note: In response to several inquiries, it should be noted that the original of this remarkable narrative by Abdu’l-Baha is found in Makatib ‘Abdu’l-Baha, vol. 3, pages 122-47. For ease of reference, a copy…
Editor’s Note: Committee of Human Rights Reporters has published a story based on undisclosed sources about the situation of a Baha’i family in Valishahr, near Isfahan. A translation of this report is provided below. By…
In a report filed from Cairo on Wednesday, July 29, the Associated Press (AP) writer Lee Keath states: The state news agency IRNA said Wednesday that indictments had been issued against “around 20” detainees involved in “planning…
Mrs. Kamalabadi is one of the seven former Baha’i leaders who continues to languish in Tehran’s notorious Evin prison on false and fabricated charges. She was arrested in May 2008. Several items of interest related…
The regime in Tehran is sending out mixed signals as to whether Iran’s Criminal Code will now impose the death penalty on Muslims who forsake Islam to convert to Christianity. A final decision on the…
Abdu’l-Baha’s Treatise A synopsis of the sorrowful events of the [Baha’i] martyrs in Yazd and Isfahan He is God! In this enlightened age, which is the century of the Almighty God, by the effulgence of…
Iranian Quran News Agency (IQNA) reports on Tuesday, July 28, 2009, in Persian: A representative of a religious seminary in the province of Fars states that the first round of critical studies of religions and…