Tagged By iran

3 Videos Nominated


Our good friends at the Muslim Network for Baha’i Rights have posted the following announcement: A few months ago at Mideast Youth, we wrote about the Bitfilm Festival, whom we are a partner with, to give…

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Narrative of an Arrest

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Recently, Iran Press Watch reported the arrest of Mr. Anvar Moslemi ( IPW ).  The following report and narrative is provided by Human Rights Activists News Agency, which provides more insight into the ongoing persecutions and harassments perpetrated…

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Mother and Son Arrested


According to Television Washington online site, on Tuesday, August 4, 2009, agents of the Ministry of Intelligence in the town of Sari, in northern Iran, arrested Mrs. Vesal Yusufi, a 38-year old resident of the…

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A Profound Statement


Editor’s Note:  Iran Press Watch is grateful to several readers that pointed out the full text of the November 26, 2003, letter of the Universal House of Justice, the governing body of the Baha’i community,…

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Book Publication

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Iran Press Watch is pleased to have learned of the online publication of a new book by Dr. Ali Tavangar entitled, Naqd va Pasukh bar Sih Kitab va Haqa’iqi az A’in Baha’i [critique and response…

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Baha’i Woman Arrested in Sari


The following report was posted on the online site of Human Rights Activists News Agency, and appears below in translation: Security forces have raided and searched the home of a Baha’i resident of Sari, and subsequently arrested…

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Baha'i Rights Website Redesigned!


Editor’s Note:  Iran Press Watch was pleased to receive the following notice from the Mideast Youth organization, which we share below for the benefit of our readers.  Heartfelt congratulations to the Mideast Youth group for another important…

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An Arrest in Semnan


Editor’s Note:  Iran Press Watch regrets that due to the pressure of work it failed to report on an important development in Semnan, as reported through Mihan site on Tuesday, April 14, 2009.  For the…

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A Baha’i Home Searched

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According to Baha’i World News Service, on July 29, 2009, the home of Mr. Nader Munzavi in Delijan, in the province of Makazi, was searched and his computer and Baha’i books were confiscated.  Mr. Munzavi…

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A Baha’i Sentenced to Imprisonment


According to Human Rights Activists News Agency, the Revolutionary Court of Semnan has convicted a Baha’i resident to 18 months imprisonment. According to the court ruling, Mrs. Susan Tebyanian[-Jabbari], a Baha’i resident of Semnan was…

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