Posts By editor

Baha’i Mona Ghodrat Arrested in Yazd

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Source: On December 19, 2022, security forces arrested Baha’i Mona Ghodrat in Yazd. An informed source told HRANA that Ghodrat was arrested in the street and taken to IRGC’s detention facility. The agents also searched…

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Bardia Basiri Arrested

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Source: On December 17, 2022, security forces arrested Bardia Basiri at his home in Tehran. His wife, Ayda Rasti, is also detained. The intelligence agents searched his house and confiscated some of his belongings. According…

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Baha’i Citizen Farbod Alavi Arrested

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Source: On December 4, 2022, security forces arrested Baha’i citizen Farbod Alavi and jailed him in Evin Prison. The agents searched his house and confiscated some of his belongings. According to HRANA, the news agency…

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Government Arrests More Baha’is, Again

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Source: Iranian authorities arrested two members of Iran’s long persecuted Baha’i religious minority on Sunday amid an intensified crackdown on the faith group, IranWire can report. Thirteen Kerman Intelligence Department agents raided the houses of Roha…

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