Source: Translation by Iran Press Watch HRANA – The Rajai Shahr prison authorities did not allow Navid Khanjani, human rights activist detained in this prison, to be transported to the medical; examiner yesterday, because of…

Source: Translation by Iran Press Watch HRANA – The Rajai Shahr prison authorities did not allow Navid Khanjani, human rights activist detained in this prison, to be transported to the medical; examiner yesterday, because of…
Source: HRANA News Agency – Fariba Kamal Abadi, Jamal-Aldin Khanjani, Mahvash Sabet, Afif Naimi, Saeed Rezai, Behrouz Tavakoli and Vahid Tizfah, are the seven administrative members of the Baha’i Community known as “Yaran-e Iran”, who along…
Source: 27 November 2016 Translation by Iran Press Watch On Saturday 26 November, Payam Markazi, an imprisoned Baha’i in Raja’i Shahr prison, was prevented from being sent to hospital, and was denied the right to…
Source: Translation by Iran Press Watch According to a report by Bazdasht, Tabassom Hosayni, who was born on 10 July 1997, is the youngest Baha’i prisoner. Tabassom Hosayni and her mother, Emilia Hakiman, were arrested…
Source: HRANA News Agency – Navid Khanjani, Ighan Shahidi, and Vahed Kholousi, three Baha’is and defenders of the right to education, who had been arrested between 2009 and 2010, by the security forces, are still…
Source: Translation by Iran Press Watch As reported by Bazdasht, quoted from Al-Arabiya, a group of political prisoners detained at Rajai Shahr prison, in a letter to Asma Jahangir, Special Rapporteur of the UN Human…
Source: Translation by Iran Press Watch 31 October, 2016 The Baha’i painter Shahriar Cyrus, who was arrested by Ministry of Intelligence agents on 30 June 2015, has been sentenced to five years in prison. Based…
Source: HRANA News Agency – Peyman Koushkbaghi and Behnam Moosivand, two prisoners from ward number 8 of Evin prison were exiled to Rajaei Shahr prison. According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA),…
Source: HRANA News Agency – Siamak Sadri, Farhad Eghbali, Farhad Fahandej, Farahmand Sanaei, Foad Fahandej, Payam Markazi, Kamal Kashani and Korosh Ziyari, 8 Bahais were arrested in 2012, and tried in branch umber 28 of…
Source: Translation by Iran Press Watch According to Gold News, Faezeh Hashemi in this get-together hosted some of her fellow inmates from Evin prison. In this gathering some inmates of the women’s ward of Evin…
Source: Translation by Iran Press Watch August 3, 2016 According to a report from Bazdasht News, this morning agents of the Ministry of Information and Intelligence attacked a Baha’i, Mr. Yashar Rezvani, and arrested him.…
Source: Translation by Iran Press Watch After an entire week, Zhila Shahriari, an Iranian Baha’i, continues to be held in detention in Ward 209 of Evin Prison. According to Tarnegar-Human Rights of Iran, at 3:00…
Source: Translation by Iran Press Watch Based on a report by Bazdasht, as conveyed by HRANA, Elham Farahani is a 54-year old Baha’i citizen who is serving a four-year sentence at Evin Prison, despite illness.…
Source: Translation by Iran Press Watch An Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Court in Shiraz has sentenced Yekta Fahandezh Saadi to five years in jail without parole, accused of “propaganda against the regime” and “assembly and collusion”.…
Source: Translation by Iran Press Watch Iman Rashidi and Shabnam Mottahed, a Baha’i married couple, are now spending the sixteenth month of their sentences in Yazd prison. According to the Human Rights in Iran website,…
Source: Translation by Iran Press Watch According to reports from Bazdasht, 7 July 2016 was the fourth anniversary of Mr. Azizullah Samandari’s imprisonment. On 7 July 2012, at 12 noon, security agents under the guise…