(RAHANA 28 Dec 2010) Dorsa Sobhani, a Baha’i citizen and a member of One Million Campaign, has been sentenced to one year in prison.
Roya Ghanbari Detained; Security Forces Raid to Arrest Fataneh Nouri
(RAHANA 22 Dec 2010) Baha’i citizen Roya Ghanabri who is the sister of Amir Ghanbari, has been detained.
Pressure Intensified on Baha’i Citizens
(RAHANA 6 Jan 2011) Two arrests, a conviction and a summons order are the recent pressures of Islamic Republic on Baha’i citizens living in Iran.
Three Baha’i Citizens Detained in Oroumiyeh
(RAHANA 31 Dec 2010) Shiva Karimi, Homeyra Parvizi and Navid Morghi, 3 Baha’i residents of Oroumiyeh, were arrested on Tuesday December 28th.
Baha’i Citizen Sholeh Taef Summoned to Serve Prison Sentence
(RAHANA 31 Dec 2010) Baha’i citizen Sholeh Taef has been summoned to the prison in order to serve her one year prison term.
Detained Baha’i student Anisa Safarian contacted her family from the Detention Center
(RAHANA 27 Dec 2010) Anisa Safarian, expelled Baha’i student, who was detained in December, has contacted her family from the Detention Center.
Anisa Safarian, expelled Baha’i student of Babolsar University arrested
(RAHANA 22 , December , 2010) Anisa Safarian, a Baha’i student of Science and Technology university of Behshahr, was arrested at her hometown, Babolsar.
Baha’i Citizen Threatened on Phone
(RAHANA — 22-Nov-2010) Baha’i resident of Ghaemshahr Shahnaz Ranjbar who had previously been arrested, has recently been threatened on the phone twice.
Release of a Baha'i, Simin Gorji, from Prison
Monday, 10 Aban 1389 [November 1, 2010]. Iranian Human Rights News Service – RAHANA. Simin Gorji, Baha’i resident of Qaemshahr, was freed upon completion of her prison term.
Arrest of a Baha'i in Semnan
(HARANA – Tuesday 18th Aban, 1389 [9 Nov 2010] at 6:05 PM) On Sunday, Rufia Beydaghi, a Baha’i resident of Semnan, was arrested by agents of the Information Office.
Expulsion of a Baha'i student from Sari high school.
(HARANA – Tuesday 18th Aban, 1389 [9 Nov 2010] at 5:43 PM) Sahar Sabetian, a Baha’i student, has been expelled from school because she is a Baha’i.
Release of Roya Yazdani, a Baha’i citizen
(Human Rights Reporters of Iran – RAHANA) Roya [Ruhiyyih] Yazdani, a Bahai, has been released from prison.
"Mommy, why you?"
(Iranian.Com, 5-Nov-1010, by Mona) — Susan Tebyanian, a Baha’i, commenced serving her 18 month prison sentence on Wednesday, June 30, 2010 [see http://www.iranpresswatch.org/post/6167]. She is in Evin Prison along with two other Baha’i women, Sahba Rezvani…
Bahá’í Citizen of Semnan, Rufiyaa Baidaghi detained
(RAHANA, 7 Nov 2010) Human Rights News Agency of Iran – RAHANA. Rufiyaa Baidaghi, A Bahá’í citizen of Semnan is arrested. Bahá’í Citizen of Semnan, Rufiyaa Baidaghi has been arrested by the Security Forces.
Raha’s Letter, 8th Oct. 2010 in prison
Raha’s Letter (This letter is written on 8th Oct. 2010 in prison) Alluhuabha Kindly some dearest friends have already asked me for several times to write them how I spend time in prison. At first,…
Two Mashhad Baha’i Citizens Began Serving 5 Year Prison Sentence
(RAHANA – 24 Oct 2010) Two Mashhad Baha’i Citizens Jalayer Vahdat and Sima Eshraghi have been transferred to the Vakilabad Prison in order to serve their 5 year prison sentence.